Chapter Nineteen

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November 25
Omniscient POV
(This Chapter Might Be Triggering to Some)

Onika grabbed Sage and Zara taking them to the car as tears streamed down her face. She didn't know what to do...she was lost.

As she buckled them in the car she thought of all the possible outcomes of what might happen. By the looks of the news, it was bound to be terrible.

Nicki shook away her thoughts as she got into the driver's seat starting it and driving the quickest way to the hospital.

She never thought this day would come it was completely too soon.

As she pulled into the parking lot of the hospital Sage had asked for the 50th time "where?" Nicki shook her head as she took them both out of the car and onto the floor.

She held their hands leading them into the hospital as she told the nurse who she was here for and why.

The nurse quickly nodded and took them right to her room. "She's been asking for you, make the time she has left worth it"

Nicki took in the words deeply

time she has left

Sage, Zara, and Nicki walked into the room seeing Beyoncé basically lifeless on the hospital bed.

The sight made Nicki hurt as she turned around not being able to stand the sight of the love her life hurt. Zara and Sage ran up to Bey and got on the bed.

"Hi" Zara said waving at Bey making both Nicki and Bey smile. "Hi sweetheart"

They talked for five minutes until Bey decided she just wanted it to be her and Nicki. The two kids went to the kids' room of the hospital and played games as Nicki sat on the bed next to Bey.

"How did this happen?" Nicki sincerely asked trying her absolute hardest to hold back tears as Beyoncé shrugged honestly.

"Drunk driver was speeding and crashed...they said basically everything in me is fucked up, I'm lucky to even be alive right now"

"The kids love you" Nicki said trying to smile to lighten the mood which made Bey smile.

"Princess, you and I both know I'm not gonna last and if I do by some miracle I'm going to show you how much I love you each and every day."

"Bey stop" Nicki already couldn't handle seeing Bey in the bed and her saying she doesn't have long doesn't help.

"Nic it hurts, the emotional more than the physical. Leaving you was never the plan and look where we are now...this life shit is too short to fuck around. Tell my kids I love them and I wanna tell you I love you. I love you more than anything and everything and there may never be words to show how much I love you. I may be fucking stupid at showing it to you but I love you princess"

Nicki noticed the heart monitor slowly dying down which made her scared...anxious..nervous.

"Please Bey, not like this"

Bey tried her best not to cry as Nicki tears landed next to her.

"I love you princess"

"I love you more bubba" Nicki looked down before hearing Bey's last words.

"See you on the other side" followed by a long beep and nurses rushing in taking Bey's dead hand out Nicki's as they performed multiple things trying to bring her back.

As Nicki walked out the room, Imani, Bey's family, and Zara and Sage were there all with pleading faces not to hear the news they all feared the most.

When they all saw the single tear fall down Nicki's cheek they knew what happened as Imani ran up and hugged Nicki.

"Hun I should've never treated you bad-"

"It's ok." Nicki cut her off while pushing out the hug taking a seat next to Sage.

"Mommy no cry" Zara said while climbing into Nicki's lap to wipe the tears.

As the nurse came out with a slight smile the hope in Nicki's body came out as she eagerly anticipated if it was official.

"She's.....dead" The nurse said shattering Nicki's, entire heart.

Nicki got up taking Sage and Zara's hand taking them to the car as she dropped the kids off at her mom's house.

Nicki drove the highway speeding and crying until she felt nothing.

"See you on the Otherside" Nicki spoke as she looked in the clouds seeing a gleam of light.

The car crashed...

But Nicki was fine.

And to this day she knew Beyoncé had protected her that day.

Five months later and they had the funeral. Nicki still couldn't find herself to write a eulogy so instead, she told everyone every emotion and thing that happened that day.

"The end" Nicki smiled and everyone cheered as she sat next to Imani, Sage, and Zara. She turned and smiled at Normani and her children as everything started to make sense to Nicki.

Everything happens for a reason, Nicki had to lose Beyonce to re-find herself and it hurt at first, but that's okay. Sometimes being hurt is for the better, it teaches you something new.

The End


It's finally over🙂

Anywayssss I'll probably republish my oneshot book next week and continue on that💞

Thank y'all for readinggggg💖

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