Chapter Ten

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June 10th
Houston, TX
Onika's House
Onika's POV

June 10thHouston, TXOnika's HouseOnika's POV

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*A Year Later*

I hummed going around the kitchen wiping down the counters. The doorbell went off and I went to answer it. When I opened it, it revealed Normani, Kari, and baby Kamry.

I love that baby to death, she's around four months old now and I will make sure the first word she says is Onika.

"Hi Kam, Hi Kar Kar!" I squealed excited to see my babies again. Normani ended up not moving. After she calmed down she asked Kari what she wanted and Kari said to stay so they did that.

"Wow. So I don't get a hi, hello, a wave?" Normani asked dramatically as I giggled at her antics. I pulled her in for a hug and she hugged back as Kari took Kamry to go play with Roman.

"How are you holding up?" Normani asked and I rolled my eyes knowing who and what she was referring to.

"I told you I was over that" I said scrunching my nose up. "Yeah but when you hear her songs on the radio you start crying" Normani said making me sigh.

"So what I miss her but it's her fault." I explained. Normani rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch with me laying my head in her lap.

"Talk to her NicNac, it's been three months" "Three months is an acceptable time. You let go of Dinah I let go of Beyoncé"

"Only difference in this entire situation is Dinah wasn't my soulmate, I'm like 90% sure Beyoncé's your soulmate" I sat up and looked at her crazy. "Soulmates don't cheat" I snapped as Normani gave a look.

"Everybody makes mistakes, Beyoncé made one and you left" "She cheated on me with Tinashe, she's never goin to be over that girl. I remember the day you left Dinah, I told her to tell me if she cheated and what did she do? Keep it a secret." I rambled on about what happened.


"How was the studio?" I asked Beyoncé kissing on her neck. "Fine" she pushed me off and walked away.

I sighed and looked at my hands. She's been acting weird for a week now and I don't understand why.

"Bubba where areeee youuu?" I whined out for Beyoncé using her favorite pet name. "Bedroom" she dully shouted back.

I went to the bedroom and saw her on her phone. "Bubba what's up?" I asked her genuinely concerned and she looked at me. "Stressful day at the studio" she shrugged and I could see signs of lying all over her face.

"Okay" I got on my phone scrolling through my Instagram timeline hoping Bey would say something but instead she got up and went to the restroom leaving her phone behind.

Her phone went off so I looked at the notification seeing a text message from Tinashe.

Yoncé you have to tell her it's been a week. Just tell her what we did.

My suspicions of why she was acting weird was never cheating, that thought never came to my head. I thought she loved me enough not to.

Of course out of everyone it was with Tinashe. I grabbed my suitcase and packed my shit as Bey came out the restroom. "Where you going princess?" She asked looking at my bag.

"Away" I grabbed Roman and my bag and left going to Normani's house.

*end of flashback*

That night I told Normani everything and she let me stay until I got my own house. At that point I thought Me and Bey were never meant to be. That's the second time we "broke up" and it always has to do when Tinashe is brought up.

"NicNac you need to at least go out. Meet someone new, do something" I rolled my eyes. "Just because you moved on doesn't mean I have to" Her mouth dropped as her eyes went big. "How did you know?"

"Well one you just told, two I see some girl Megan texting you some nasty shit all the time" I giggled as Normani turned red. "It's nothing official, but yeah we're talking" she admitted as I squealed.

"Mani got a girlllfrieeenddddd" I teased and she blushed even more. "Anyways, we're going to a party tonight" I glared at her and pressed my lips together.

"Will I meet Megan?" She nodded and I squealed once again. "And you'll meet new people" Mani added and I groaned. "People suck"

Normani laughed and hugged me. "Okay I'm going to hire a babysitter then we're going to get ready" Normani said and I nodded as she called someone to babysit Kamry and Kari.


"Hello I'm Tate" The babysitter introduced herself as smiled and shook her hand. "I see you two are going to a party" she laughed and Normani and I nodded.

"Well I'll let y'all get to it, see you two tomorrow" Normani and I left and drove to the party.

"I can't believe you drug me to this thing." I whined not wanting to see other people. "You'll see Megan don't worrryyy." I smiled at the thought of meeting my best friends soon to be girlfriend.

When we arrived at the club I saw some tall woman standing outside. "Is that Megan?" I asked pointing at the woman. "No, that is" she said pointing to an even taller woman.

My mouth dropped, how the hell are these people so tall?

"Hiii" Normani yelled out at Megan as Megan smiled walking cover to us. I felt even tinier in her presence she's a fucking giant.

They kissed each other and Megan looked at me. "You must be Onika? Normani talks about you all the time" I nodded and shook her hand. "Yes and you're Megan....taller than I thought"

Megan chuckled and sighed. "I get that a lot" we all walked into the party and I instantly went to the bar, if I'm going to a party I need drinks first.

After my third shot I looked around noticing someone mighty familiar.


It's Robyn and Robyn usually doesn't go anywhere without Beyoncé. I looked around but didn't see her anywhere so I thought maybe they moved on from each other.

I jumped at the feeling of someone tapping my shoulder. I turned around to see someone smiling at me. "Hi I'm Coco" she smiled and I smiled back. "I'm Onika, did you need something?"

"Ummm, not really. My friend brought me here and left with her boyfriend so I came here but saw you looked lonely too so I-" "I understand, sit down" I interrupted knowing where she was coming from.

A few minutes after talking to Coco, Megan and Normani came towards me. "Come on let's go" she said eagerly trying to get me to leave. "Why?" I asked confused. "Because...let's go" Normani said tugging my arm.

"Wait, put your number in my phone" I said giving Coco my phone as she did just that. When she gave it back Normani dragged me by my arm. "You know I can walk right?" I asked and she shook her head. "Okay" was all Normani said.

Before we made it to the exit I heard a voice...that voice. "Leaving so soon Princess?"



If I kill off a few characters don't be mad at me🥺

Anyways I'll update again next week maybe.

Thank you for 150 votes💘

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