Chapter Fifteen

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February 19th
Houston, TX
Onika & Bey's House
Onika's POV

February 19thHouston, TXOnika & Bey's HouseOnika's POV

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*6 Months Later*

"Look at you!" I exclaimed towards Normani seeing her all dressed up.

"You know, Megan is a lucky girl" I smiled towards her as she blushed. "Beyoncé's a lucky girl too" Normani said as I looked down almost instantly.

"Maybe you should finally go see's been 6 months your carrying her child, plus y'all are in a relationsh-"

I quickly cut her off by coughing. "How can I be in a relationship with her if I'm not even trustworthy" I felt my heart break as I thought about the thing that started exactly 36 days ago.

"Nika, it was a mistake" I shook my head quickly. "A mistake that happened 4 times" She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but it's been a week since the last time y'all hooked up, plus you only slept with them three times...the fourth time was kissing"

I threw my head back making a groaning noise. "That doesn't make it any better, I still cheated and she doesn't know. How do you think she's going to feel when she finds out, huh? Remember that time when I broke up with her because I THOUGHT she was cheating...yeah now it's that but the roles are reversed and I actually cheated" I rambled on and on.

"If it only takes me five months to cheat while she's in jail how many times will it happen for the next two and a half years?" Normani rolled her eyes.

"That's fucked up you think it's going to happen again, and you need self control. Remember when she first got in jail she called you at least 45 times and you didn't answer, it must've been urgent" Normani spoke trying to make the situation better as she looked at her nails.

"Whatever, don't you have a date?" I asked trying to change the subject as Normani went and grabbed her purse.

"You do the jail..." Normani trailed off realizing the scenery wasn't appealing at all.

"Fine I'll go, but if it goes to shit that is your fault." Normani looked taken back as she walked towards the door.

"It's not my fault you can't control your sexual desire" She shouted before leaving.

I sat on the couch as I held my head in my hand.

Maybe she'll understand...maybe she'll be nice about the situation...maybe she'll-

I stopped my thoughts. Who the hell would be nice about a situation where your partner cheated?

I got dressed in sweats and one of Bey's hoodies as I got in the car driving to the jail Beyoncé was stationed at.

I walked in, checked in, and sat at the table as I waited for Beyoncé and the other inmates to come.

I heard a buzz and the door open as a line of prisoners came in. Beyoncé and I made eye contact and she smiled quickly and made her way towards the table I was at.

"Hey Bey" I whispered as she giggled a little. "That's all I get? A 'Hey Bey'?" She teased as I forced a laugh.

"You're still mad at me aren't you...I know I messed up, but I-" Beyoncé tried explaining but I cut her off.

"It's not you, I'm over it by's just I love you so much and with you gone and-"

"And the baby? How is it?" She asked getting all happy talking about it.

"'s fine, the gender reveal is soon sorry you can't be there but I'll come right after...but that's not what I'm here to talk about" I spoke quickly as the guard announced 10 minutes left.

"Then what do you wanna talk about?" She asked smiling brightly.

I started crying profusely, I'm going to break her if I tell her.

"Princess what's wrong?" She asked trying her hardest not to touch me since it was part of the rules.

"I...I don't know how to tell you" I explained looking up at her seeing her expression stale.

"What's the worst that it can be...the child isn't okay?" I shook my head no.

"Someone died?" I shook my head no.

"Did Abel come by...if so please tell me" I shook my head no confused on why she would ask that.

"Well I don't know what's wrong, I know you wouldn't have a reason to go to jail and I know you would never wouldn't right?"

I stared at her as I saw all emotions leave her body.

"You cheated..." She said through clenched teeth as she stood up.

"Don't come by again unless it's for the child, I never want to see you again" She walked off towards the guard as he escorted her to her cell leaving me stuck.

I had no words, no feelings, no nothing. I grabbed my phone as I went back to my car.

As I opened the door I saw stuff moved around, from last time I was in here.

"What the fu-"


Excuse any errors💜

Sooo...what y'all think the baby's gender is..?

What y'all think happened to Nika cause....

And will Bey forgive Nika or they done for (again)?

Thanks for readinggg, love y'all💕

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