Chapter Fourteen

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August 11
Houston, TX
Beyoncé's POV

I put on my shoes and joined Onika downstairs

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I put on my shoes and joined Onika downstairs. "Ready?" I asked as she tossed me the car keys. "As ready as I'll ever be" She replied with a small nod.

We got into the car as a silence fell between us. The car ride was awfully quiet, none of us could find the words to say to one another.

Once we arrived she sat in the car for a little. "What's wrong babe?" I asked patiently as she shrugged. "I'm scared...what if I can't carry the child all the way, what if we're not ready to be parents, what if-" I cut her off with a kiss.

"Nika...God gave us the baby now for a reason, we're ready even if it doesn't seem like it" She smiled nodding happily as we got out the car.

I signed Onika in as she sat in the waiting room. The doctor called us in nearly 10 minutes later.


The appointment went smoothly, the doctor said the baby is healthy and we go back in a month for another check up.

As we pulled towards my house there was two cop cars outside as my mind went to all the possible reasons they could be here.

"Bubba...why are they here?" Onika pointed around them. I didn't answer, I knew they'd been here for me. I haven't left the gang yet and we did a big deal not too long ago.

I know Onika was going to be pissed, I lied to her and told her I left the gang for good after Robyn and Kiana died but I didn't...I wanted to avenge them.

The only reason she wanted me out was because she couldn't deal if I had gone to jail, now I'm going to jail while Onika is pregnant.

As I parked the car and got out one of the police officers came out their car.

"Beyoncé Knowles?" He had asked and I shook my head yes. "You need to let us in, we have a search warrant"

"Officer I'm sure you got the wrong Beyoncé Knowles, she hasn't done anything....we just got back from the hospital and-" Onika explained before I cut her off. "Stop Onika"

Onika side eyed me and she let the cops inside. They had two dogs with them to sniff out drugs so I knew I'd be in big trouble.

About 5 minutes later one of the dogs started barking as it had led them to the restroom no one in the house used. The cops had pulled out all the drugs I had stashed in there.

Onika's face instantly changed as all the thoughts clicked to her. "You lied to me" She spoke sternly. "I'm sorry Princess, I'll get out of this I promise" A tear streamed down both our faces as the cops put me in handcuffs.

"I love you Princess" I cried as Onika shook her head not saying I love you back. My world was ripped from me all because I made a mistake.

As they put me in the car someone else was in there.

"Janelle?" I asked as Janelle looked at me with a beat up face. "They got you too?" I nodded and leaned in to give her a "hug" it was very awkward though seeming as we both had handcuffs.

"What happened to your face?" I asked and she pointed her heads towards the cops in the front seat as I nodded slowly.

"Did they get anybody else?" I asked and she nodded. "Tinashe, Summer, and London got caught...I don't know about everyone else"

We arrived at the police station as I saw Tinashe and Summer standing there. "They said the least we're looking at is 50 years each" Tinashe whined.

My heart ached for Tinashe, she was so innocent and pure. Although she was a drug dealer, she was one of the most sweetest people ever.

"Onika is pregnant" I blurted out and they all gasped. "We need to get you out of here" I nodded as London came out of the questioning room.

"I'll take the fault for Yoncé" Tinashe announced and I quickly disagreed.

"No, you're going to get life in prison or some shit, I'll take the blame for myself" I told her.

"Don't start arguing, I'll take the fault for everything. Y'all are my gang after all" Janelle proposed as we all said no.

A cop came out and took Janelle for questioning, then Summer, then Tinashe, then me.

"Beyoncé?" I nodded. "We've heard enough from the first girl we brought in here, so you and everyone else get 3 years...Janelle gets life in prison"

I shook my head. "Don't we get to have court or something?" The interrogator shrugged. "Janelle will get court, the rest of you get 3 years" I nodded not wanting to say anything making him extend my sentence.

I walked to where Tinashe, Summer, and London were as I saw them crying. "They took her away" Summer told me.


I sat in my prison cell staring at the wall.

Why didn't I listen to Onika?

Luckily they partnered me with Tinashe, sadly London and Summer got split up.

"I feel like a fuck up" I heard Tinashe say from the bed above me.

"Don't" I told her and she shrugged. "You're the best person ever" I smiled at her even though she couldn't see me.

"Yeah you are too...who do you think told?" I took in her question, I didn't stop to think somebody close to us had told the cops about what we've done.

"I don't know....who do you think?" I returned her question and she answered not even seconds later. "Abel"

I shook my head, he loved us too much. "No...I'm thinking Brandy" Tinashe scrunched her nose up. "Brandy?" I nodded explaining that I thought it was her because she doesn't come around anymore.

"No...she has personal issues. I think it's Abel because I heard him calling someone telling them what we were doing" I stood up and looked at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She sighed and stared in my eyes.

"Because you were already under enough stress, he's the one that planned the night at the club except instead of Robyn and Kiana dying it was supposed to be you and Onika"

I took in everything and thought about it.

Onika and my child are in danger.


Excuse any errors💕

Bey went to jailllll

What do y'all think gonna happen?

Go read my new Oneshot book "Goodlove" pleaseeeee

Love y'all💕

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