4. Dress Like A Slut

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The moment we've all been waiting for. Will the real slim shady please stand up?

It was now Monday, and I was ready to show up at school dressed like a slut.

I looked into the mirror, and I was pleased to see how I looked. I actually felt pretty, which was rare for me. I decided to lay back on the lipstick for now. I'm sure it would come in handy for the future, I just don't know what for yet.

"You ready to go, Gee?" I heard Mikey call from the living room. Brushing out some of the knots in my hair, I was finally done, and I went to join him.

"Yeah I'm ready, Mikes." He picked up the keys off the table and we got into the car, ready to start the unpredictable day. The drive to school wasn't too long of course, so we were there in no time.

When I walked in through the entrance, I immediately heard a few gasps. What the fuck is wrong with people? It's not like I'm on RuPaul's Drag Race, although I'm sure I would slay at that.

I was sure that no one would be excited to see me like this, but whatever. Let them laugh. However, I was pleasantly surprised when Lindsey Ballato walked up to me and gave me a high five. "Well well, Gerard Way. That's a fucking great outfit. Good on you bud, you look like a motherfucking queen." I smiled confidently when hearing that remark, and continued walking throughout the hallways.

I put a little more into my efforts, and I even started swaying my hips a little while walking. I felt nice today, and I wanted to act like a diva. I was on my way to Psychology currently, when I accidentally ran into yet another person.

We toppled over and I fell on top of whoever it was, quickly rolling off of them when I realized what had happened. I looked down once I stood up and saw that it was the Ryan kid who I met yesterday. "Oh Ryan, I'm sorry! Here, let me help you." I reached my hand out and he gratefully grabbed a hold of it, pulling himself up.

"It's fine. How did you know my name, though? I don't think I ever had the chance to tell you yesterday."

"One of your friends, I think his name was Brendon? Yeah, he told me. Anyway I'm Gerard." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Gerard. I guess I'll be on my way to class now." He gave me a small smile to which I returned, and I kept walking to Psychology. When I walked into the classroom, I noticed that I was the first one in there, minus Mr. Iero, so I took a seat at my normal desk.

He was working on something it looked like, so I didn't bother to say hi to him yet. He only acknowledged my presence when he looked up and noticed me, letting out a small 'yelp' sound, which I found quite entertaining.

He stayed staring at my appearance for awhile before talking. "Wow Gerard... you look be- nice today." A light shade of pink overcame my cheeks at the compliment. Was he about to call me beautiful?

"Thanks Mr. Iero," I looked down at my lap, unsure of what to say next. Luckily, more students came in after that so I didn't really have to say anything more. I heard a few laughing at my appearance, but I didn't care. That was kind of the whole point here.

Once everyone was in the class, Mr. Iero started talking. "So guys, I actually have a fun little idea for the weekend. Instead of doing a final exam for this class, like a paper one, why not a project? Since this is a small class, I was thinking you guys could all come to my house over the weekend and we would have a sort-of-party but also sort-of-project there. How does that sound?" Everyone seemed to love that idea, judging by the cheering in the classroom. (And no this isn't creepy, I wrote this part thinking of that one Victorious episode where all the students have a sleepover at Sikowitz's house.)

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