19. Derrick's Twin is an Evil Bitch

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Hey guys we stan Derrick okay like seriously you are going to LOVE Derrick by the end of this book, trust my judgement.

The next day was already going great. Me and Pete got through Frank's class without drawing attention to ourselves (which I have no idea how the hell that happened). Now we were at lunch, which was when our amazing scheme was supposed to take place.

After everyone was seated at their assigned tables, me and Pete got up to try and find where Derrick could be sitting.

You may be asking, Gerard why the hell is Mikey not back at the same lunch table? How can he still be at Lindsey and Jamia's table? Honestly, I was wondering the same thing. They must've started spilling out serious drama for him to still be involved with their group.

I would have to thank Lindsey for that later. Like seriously, I didn't expect her to be doing this great of a job.

After a few short seconds of looking around the cafeteria, I was finally able to point out where Derrick was sitting. He was alone at a table in the corner of the lunch room. That was quite sad, but it was convenient for what we had to get done.

"Quick, let's go sit next to him." We scurried over to the corner of the room with our lunches and sat right across from him.

He looked up at us with a confused look on his face. I gave him a friendly smile, but Pete just smirked. I quickly slapped him on the arm before saying, "well don't just smirk at him, you'll scare him away!"

"Sorry... geez. Listen Derrick we need you for something. We actually got that phone call but we didn't want to talk because of reasons. We know that was you and Vanessa."

Suddenly a scared look came over his face. "Oh- oh! I assure you I didn't want to do that guys... I have nothing against you. I have no idea what Vanessa's problem is."

I was quick to reassure him. I couldn't have him scared of us if we wanted to work with him. "No, we know you don't have anything against us! That's why we want to talk to you in private after school, if you'll be available."

He took a sigh, probably from relief that we weren't secretly plotting to murder him. Although if we were, asking to privately talk to him after school would be awfully suspicious. "Ok yeah I'm fine with that. Uh, where though?"

"We were going to go to my house," Pete replied. "My parents are out of town right now, so it's a quiet setting. Here, let me write you the address."

While he was scribbling the address onto a napkin, Derrick kept the conversation up. "So is there anything I should know when I get there?"

"Yeah, the front door will be unlocked. Don't park in front of the garage or in the garage though, someone else has to park there." Derrick nodded and took the napkin from Pete once he was done. He folded it up and placed it in his pocket.

"This is alright, correct?" I asked for confirmation. "Like, you don't need a ride or anything? Because we usually go right after school, and that would be a bit troublesome if you drive with Vanessa..."

"Oh no it's fine. Vanessa insists on riding with her friends to a nearby coffee shop every day after school. I have the car all to myself." I nodded and finally we were done exchanging things.

"Ok, well I'd hate for us to draw more attention to ourselves than necessary, so we should probably head back now." I really didn't want to leave Derrick here all by himself, but it might be weird if the two gay kids just started randomly talking to someone they had never interacted with before. That would look very strange from an outward perspective.

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