23. Shit Goes Down

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A/N: Alrighty who's ready for fun because man this chapter is gonna be FUN. (Just hang on you'll see what I mean). Ooooh boy I'm excited.

When I woke up, I found that my head was resting on Frank's lap. We were on the couch and he was currently reading some book. Upon further inspection, I noticed it was something about psychology, and I smiled lightly. Nerd.

When he noticed I was awake, he put the book down on the table beside us and smiled warmly at me. "Good morning sleepy head." He leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead, making me scrunch up my nose.

"Is it actually morning? Because last I checked I fell asleep on you around lunch time-"

"No it's not actually morning, I'm joking Gee." He rolled his eyes playfully. "It's like only 3 o clock, so we've still got about 4 hours of daylight left."

I nodded contently, stretching my arms out and squeezing my eyes shut again. I rested my hands on my stomach, eyes closed, just enjoying being in Frank's presence.

"Are you seriously going to sleep again?" He laughed, poking me on the cheek. "Baby I've got no problem with you sleeping but my leg is going numb so you should probably reposition yourself."

I smirked before moving my head intentionally closer to his crotch. I laughed as I noticed him raising his eyebrows. "What? I thought you wanted me to reposition myself."

"Well yeah but..." he cut off awkwardly.

"But what, Frankie?" I smiled up innocently at him, knowing that what I was doing had an effect on him.

"Oh don't make me say it, you already know what I mean," he rolled his eyes. He picked up his book again, opening it to a certain page and practically sticking his face in it to avoid eye contact. That gave me another idea.

Since he wasn't looking at me, I strategically moved my hand over his thigh, inching dangerously closer to where his dick was. I heard him gasp slightly at the contact I made with his inner thigh. All of a sudden he shut his book and put it back down on the table.

*Ayo smut enjoy it while you can*

"Gee if you wanted to do something you should have just said," he whispered, moving me off of him and climbing on top of me so that he was straddling my waist. Forcefully, his own lips met mine and he kissed me affectionately, but roughly at the same time.

A moan escaped my lips as I felt him start grinding his hips against mine. I put one of my hands in his hair, tangling it between my fingers as we continued to kiss passionately.

At that point, I was considerably hard, and Frank was as well. With one hand still in his hair, I took my other hand and began palming him through his jeans, which made him emit a loud moan, breaking the kiss for a split second before getting right back into it.

When I decided that I had teased him enough, I quickly got his pants undone before slipping my hand down his boxers, wrapping my hand around him.

He gasped as I began moving back and forth, and I pulled away from the kiss so I would be able to see his face.

"Fuck," he mumbled as I moved my thumb over the tip, and soon he fell over the edge, coming into my hand. I smiled, placing a quick kiss on his lips before heading to the bathroom and washing my hands.

Suddenly he appeared in the doorway, hugging me from behind as I turned the faucet off. Before I knew what was happening, he spun me around and placed his lips on my neck, shoving his hand down my pants and to my still hard dick.

I groaned as he bit at the skin on my neck, definitely making a mark on it. He palmed me through my boxers, and then took his hand away to begin undoing my jeans. I thought he was just going to give me a handjob, but I was proven wrong as he dropped to his knees in front of me.

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