21. Highschool Careers and Hospital Stays

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I didn't wanna make you guys wait that long since I left it on a sort-of cliffhanger. Not much plot happens in this chapter, but it's a filler, because I have to be able to connect the dots to the next chapter. I'll try to make it interesting though. :) Thanks for sticking with me, even though I haven't really been updating as often. Also this is going to most definitely be unrealistic, but that's okay.

(Gerard's POV)

They always said you could hear stuff in a coma. I had to admit, I didn't quite believe them when they said that, but now I knew it was true. First of all, I picked up that I was in a coma from the doctors currently speaking around me.

"So how long do you think he'll be in the coma?" I heard someone ask. I couldn't recognize their voice though, so I figured it was probably just a nurse talking to the doctor or something.

"I'm not too sure. I predict probably a few days, maybe up to a week. The damage inflicted wasn't as severe as it could've been, thank god, so hopefully he won't be sleeping for too long."

"And what did you say this was caused by exactly?" Now this was something I tried to pay close attention too. I knew I was in a coma, but my memory was really awful, so I still couldn't remember just how I ended up in this situation.

"He got hit with a car. He wasn't in a vehicle by the way, the car made direct contact with him. That's the main problem here." I was hit with a fucking car? I didn't know what I expected, but I could assure you it wasn't that.

Suddenly I heard the door open and the sound of people walking in. I got worried at first, not wanting that many strangers to see my sleeping body, but soon I heard my own mother's voice, and I figured she must be here with Mikey.

"Oh no, my boy..." she was definitely sad, which made me sad by default. I could sense my arm moving, and I figured out that she was holding my hand. "I'm so sorry this happened to you, oh god I hope you'll be alright. He'll be alright, right?" She turned her attention towards the doctor in the room.

"As far as we know, he should be awake in a little less than a week, ma'am. I need to discuss bills with you though, so would you mind stepping into the hallway for a second?"

"It's no problem. Mikey, you can stay in here with Gerard while I'm outside with the doctor and the nurse." I heard more footsteps and then the door closing, and thats when something scraped the floor. I felt a presence near me, and I realized that Mikey had moved a chair up to my bed.

"Hi Gerard... I don't know if you can hear me right now but... well I guess it's worth a shot. I brought your favorite books. I was thinking maybe I could read them to you during visiting when no one else is around. You know, just a little way to spend time."

Internally I was happy, and I would've smiled if I actually had control over my muscles. Unfortunately I was going to stay limp until I was able to 'wake up.'

"God Gee... I hope you wake up soon. There's also another thing I wanted to talk to you about. Pete told me about you and Mr. Iero, or Frank." I tensed up at that. I didn't want to know how Mikey would react to that, which was why I never told him. "I'm not upset with you. I completely understand it actually just... be careful, okay? I don't want you or him to get in trouble. But I don't have a problem with it. I just want you to be happy."

I was very relieved to hear that, especially since I had been dreading telling Mikey about it for ages. He was supportive though, and that was all I could ever ask for.

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