18: Coming Out of the Closet... Literally

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Lol I love this chapter so I hope you do too.

When I got to Pete's house, I didn't bother knocking. Me and Mikey would always go to Pete's house whenever we were younger, and the door was always unlocked whenever he knew we were coming over. With a quick shake of the door handle, it was apparent that the policy still applied.

I hung my jacket up on the coat hanger by the front door, and I looked around. I didn't see his parents' car outside, so I figured he must have been home alone. "Pete!" I called out.

"I'm up here!" He yelled. I went up the stairs and found him sitting on his bed in his bedroom. He had gotten more posters since the last time I was at his house.

"I like your posters," I said. "They look cool. But... Taylor Swift? Really?" I pointed to one particular poster that was hanging a few inches from his bedroom window.

"Don't judge me, she's a queen." I just laughed a little bit before taking a seat beside him on his bed. "So, should we get started on this deduction process?"

"Sure thing," I replied. "I think we should almost definitely add that Isaac kid to the list. He is such a jerk and I hardly even know the guy."

"Haha yeah, I'd agree with that statement." Pete wrote his name on our list of suspects. Right now we had a pretty well developed list, and it came down to five main names.

"Alright so the main five we have are Isaac, Vanessa, the counselor, Heather, and Philip."

"Ugh I remember Philip," Pete groaned. "He's the literal worst. He's the worst at minding his own business too."

"I'd agree with that, although I think Isaac has definitely taken his place. I'm going to go ahead and make the assumption that they are hella gay for each other." Pete and I laughed before getting back to the business of things.

"Alright. Wanna do a bit of online stalking to learn a bit more about these guys? We can probably narrow it down that way."

I agreed and we began the online search.

We started by looking at everyone's social media accounts. With further research, I was shocked to find out that Heather actually had a girlfriend. That meant it was very unlikely that she would try to expose me for homophobic reasons.

"Wow... I had no idea that Heather was dating a girl. That's pretty cool though!" Then I checked her Instagram story and I saw that she wrote a decently long paragraph in the background.

"After many days of research, I have finally learned how to live a better life. I was raised in a very religious home, and as a result I grew up homophobic. I finally learned to form an opinion of my own, and I've stopped being hateful. I know that the damage I've done to others will take time to heal, but I'm trying to change myself, and I dearly hope that I can earn your forgiveness. Instead of being full of shit, I learned that I'm attracted to women, and I have a beautiful girlfriend as a result of it! Lots of love to you all."

"Wow okay, that makes me happy, in fact I think I might cry," I commented out loud. Pete nodded and I heard a sniffle coming from him. "Oh my god Pete, are you actually crying?"

"Don't judge me," he said while wiping his eyes. "I just love seeing people change."

"That's okay Pete, I understand. I'm going to follow her now." I pressed the small follow button under her username, and I got a notification not too long after that she followed me back. That only further confirmed my assumption that it wasn't her. We crossed her off the list and were left with four people.

Unfortunately, in the next 30 minutes, we were unable to find any information at all. Isaac didn't have social media accounts that we could find, Vanessa's was set to private, the counselor had a FaceBook page that she hadn't posted on in years, and Philip's page was filled with shirtless photos of himself, and I did not want to go through the pain of looking through them.

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