15. The Day After Gee's Birthday!

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I'm excited because I finally have the whole story planned out from this chapter to the end, let's have some fun.

I looked up at the stars; there were a whole bunch of them. The sky was full. It was like they were only inches apart, yet they were light years away in the galaxy.

A bunch of colors swept the sky, they were northern lights. Strange, because you never see northern lights here.

Currently I was laying in a grassy field, elevated higher up than the surrounding trees. It was like a cliff. As I looked up and focused more on the stars, I noticed a few shapes taking the form of constellations.

There were tons of different ones that I had never even seen before.

There was a dog, kind of shaped similarly to a wolf, but it's features were much too soft to be a wild wolf.

There was a sailboat, and along the bottom of the sailboat were stars in the shapes of waves. The lights accompanied the wave outline with a filling color of blue and teal.

There was an array of nice pleasant things , all in the sky at the same time.

Suddenly, loud thunder shook the sky, making me jump. The bluish green lights that once lingered in the sky were now a dangerous shade of red. All the shapes and constellations morphed into one big shape; a triangle. Along the triangle was a single word. (The image at the top of this chapter is the best recreation I could muster up, deal with it)


Suddenly, I felt myself sliding off the edge of the cliff, and now I was falling. I was falling, and surely I would die soon.

I was almost to the ground. I was almost dead.

I woke up.

I'm not dead.

I sighed deeply, mostly of relief. Oh thank god I'm not dead. I however, had no idea in the slightest of what that dream was supposed to mean.

I looked at my alarm clock and noticed that it was 4 o' clock in the morning, or as I'd like to call it, much too fucking early. The sheets on my bed were tossed around, meaning I was probably moving a lot in my sleep. I was personally surprised I hadn't rolled off the bed, considering the fact that I dreamed about falling.

My pillow was on the floor however, which made me very uncomfortable. Since I was still tired as hell, I tried to maneuver myself to where I could reach down and get the pillow from the floor, all without having to get up from my bed. I groaned as I stretched towards the pillow, trying desperately to retrieve it.

Finally, I was able to clutch the pillow in one hand and bring it back up to the bed. No longer did my head have to complain about laying on a rock-hard surface. Yeah yeah, I know my bed isn't rock-hard, shut up I'm trying to be dramatic.

There was no use trying to fall back asleep. Once you wake me up, it's physically impossible for me to drift off again. Instead of laying in bed for three hours, waiting for the sun to rise, I decided to get my phone off of my nightstand and see what was happening there that I could distract myself with.

Oh whoop-dee-doo, lucky for me, Frank was active on messaging right now.

Me: Why the fuck are you awake right now, shouldn't you be asleep?

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