The Beginning To The End

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F/n POV.
My name is f/n (first name) and I've been adopted by the Mrs Midoriya. I've been here for a while. I'm 5 and my foster brother is the same age. We're friends with bakugou.

Unfortunately bakugou has been off lately. He seems more angry and act like he is all powerful. I don't like it.

We were at the playground when I see izuku my foster brother protecting some kid. Bakugou seemed to be mad.

I watched as bakugou used a explosive on izuku. I ran in front of them. "Stop it bakugou." I said. He looked at me and shook his head. "What are you gonna do about it. Your both quirkless." He said laughing "I don't care." I said

He laughed. A kid came up to me and started to use a fire quirk on me. I screamed in pain. "Stop!" I said. They laughed. The next thing I new he was screaming. He turned into stone. "What happened?" I asked worried

I touched his arm and he turned to dust. "I-u did t mean to." I said crying. Bakugou walked backwards in fear. I heard screams and people screaming monster. I turn to izuku. "Izuku h-elp I  I'm scared." I said.

He did nothing just stared at me in fear. I backed into a pole and it did the same thing. I cried harder. Izuku got up and ran "no don't leave me please!" I said. He didn't listen to me. "I thought you were my friend?" I said quietly.

I got up and ran. If I stayed I would be In Jail. I stoped running because I got tired. I saw a boy come out. He was almost my age. "S-stay way I do t want to hurt you." I said. He laughed "don't worry I understand what your going through." He said. I looked at him curious.

He put his hand on a mail box and it turned to dust. My eyes widened "no one cares for you here. No hero will help you. Come with me and I'll teach you to control it. I'll help you get stronger and hurt those who hurt you." He said.

I could tell he wasn't a nice guy. "I don't want to hurt people." I said. He laughed "people will hate you for what you did today. Come with me and you can be cared for. We will show them what a monster really is." He said.

He's right the way they looked at me and ran. I'll show them not to mess with me again. "Deal" he had a creepy smile on his face. "Deal" he repeated.

Time Skip brought to you by the beautiful and amazing author!... Fine by handsome Bakugou

It's been a couple of years now and I'm in rolling into UA. I've been working out for weeks.

Today is the day. I didn't really pay attention to the whole thing. We were at the gates when I saw a green head kid. NO it can't be him.

I then hear a loud GO. I take off. Of course I'm stronger by a lot. If you didn't know I have two quirks. One I use for villain which is shadow control. My second one is disintegration Wich you've already seen. That's the one I'll use here.

I have gloves that keep me from hurting anyone by accident. I can usually control it but I still have trouble. Least I'm not like Shigaraki.

I go through disintegrating robots. I see everyone running away. I giant robot is coming. 0 pt I knew that but the green head kid from before ran up to it and blasted the thing. Wow never thought that would happen. Unfortunately he missed the important part.

Idiot, he was falling when a girl slapped him and made him float. The robot got back up. The girl was throwing up and the boys bones were broken. I walked in front of them.
"Get out of here you'll get hurt." It is  Izuku.

I already used a lot of my quirk this morning to make it seem like I'm still trying to control it so the draw backs are already bad. My draw back is my skin disintegrates.

I looked at him. "Still a baby just like when we were kids." I said starting at him. His eyes widened. I smirked "I have one thing to say to you." I said and the robot came close to me. I put a hand on it. It started to turn to dust. "Fuck you" I said.

Nothing was left of the robot. Both of my arms were skinless. Ugly sight but a small price to pay for such a good quirk.

Everyone was amazed. Shigarakis word were in my head "why your there make sure to show those brats how powerful you are." I did it.

A women came up to izuku and kissed him. She then came to me. "no thanks I can handle my self" I said she rolled her eyes "look at your arms child. I don't think anyone wants to see that." She said.

I sighed. She kissed my forehead and I heald but now I'm really tired. Izuku got up but was vary tired.

We looked at the score board. I was tied with bokugou? "WHO THE HELL GOT TIED WITH ME!" he screamed. I rolled my eyes. Izuku then came at me.

"F/n is that really you?" He asked. "Doesn't matter." I said. Bokugou came over to us. "Deku!" He said. He then looked me. "and who is this slut?" He asked. "watch your mouth or I'll turn you to dust just like your little friend." I said.

He looked confused then realized who I was. "F/n?!" He asked. "who else?" I asked bored. Izuku and bakugou both stared at me.

I then see Shigaraki. "Well I have to go hope you both die in your sleep." I said in a happy tone even though I was worried. Why would he come here?

They both were shocked. I put my hood on and drop all the act. I walk to Shigaraki with his hood up. He raped his arm around my stomach. "There watching." He said annoyed he had to do this.

We walk away and he lets go. "How did you do?" He asked. "I tied in with bakugou." I said. "Really?! You should have made first on your own!" He said mad. "You will work and not sleep until we get that letter do you understand?!" He said. "Yes" I said. Here we go.

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