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It.. was... A... Dream?! All over it was a dream.

"F/n let's go" john said not looking at me. "What's going on?" I asked. He looked at me confused. "You are on death row" he said with sadness. "N-no I escaped!" I said.

"No you didn't. You never moved from this cell. Now we better get going or they will think you did." He said.

All I could do was stare. Hr came in and got me out the cell. I walked with him into a room. The executor was there.

So this is it? This is where it's going to end. That dream though. It gave me hope but I know I probably won't get saved this time. It's sad that I realized what I really wanted at the last minute.

Time skip Bakugou's pov.

It's been years. I haven't even looked at another girl since then. F/n was the love of my life. That day I went to save her but I was to late.

I could have saved her but I didn't. Now she is dead and I never got to say goodbye.

I stood at her grave. Tears falling down my face. I tried to smile for her but it probably looked like I was crazy.

"I-i did it f/n! Im the number one hero! Please come back to me! Im sorry so sorry! I love you!" I screamed falling to my knees.

Its been hard but I'll live for you. I'll be the best and try to move on for you. Even if I find someone else. I'll never forget you f/n.

I hope you are watching over me in heaven. I'll do my best. Goodbye f/n.

                        The end
                        (I think)

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