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Shigarakis has been taking about this day for a long time. I'm a little sad because I have gotten to know someone of the people and aizawa is really cool if you get to know him.

I didn't talk to anyone today. They were worried about me. Even bakugou asked what was up with me.

We were almost there. Aizawa was starting me down. I had a blank face on.

We get there. I could feel my heart jump out my chest. Aizawa came up to me before we go in. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing but just know I'm sorry" I said.

After that I walked in.

I blanked out till I heard screaming. "Villains get behind me!" Aizawa screamed.  Shigaraki just laughed.

"Thanks for your help now get down here!" He said.

"What?" Everyone said. I shook my head and walked forward. I put a grin on my face.

"Well you going to come and get me from these losers or what Shigaraki?!" I said.

"What are you doing?!" Aizawa said. I smiled "you still don't recognize me eraser head? Your still my favorite hero though. Don't get me wrong I've just have a little bit more to my story" I said

"F/n don't do this!" Deku said. "Really your  the one who set me on this path. You know how hard it was for me not to kill you and bakugou the first time I saw you!" I said mad. "I'm sorry we were kids I got scared." He said.

"Good for you you should be scared." I said.

I used shadow control to make my shadow flout. "How did you?!" Bakugou said. "Shadow master?!" Aizawa said. I winked at him "spot on" I said.

The shadow flew me to Shigaraki. Soon the battle began. Aizawa was getting beat. He was close to dieing.

"Wait let me finish him." I said. Shigaraki nodded. I walked over to aizawa.

"Sorry aizawa I was hoping not to hurt you in this. Unfortunately this is the way I have to go." I said. He looked at me barley alive.

He had tears in his eyes. I put my ungloved hand to his throat. Just before I could I felt something push me against the wall. "Leave him alone!" Deku screamed

I saw some of the class around me. I got up "let me handle him" I said. Shigaraki laughed "show these kids what you got or else" he said holding his hand to my throat. I put mine to his. "Go a head and try" I said back.

We let go. He started to scratch his neck. "Your lucky your of use to us. If you fail" I cut him off "ya ya I either one die or I work until I have no more flesh" I said.

I went to deku. "Good the cry baby is here" I said. "You dont have to do this" he had tears In His eyes. "Yes I do" I said.

A ran at him. But something got in my way again. All might "never fear for I am here!" He said. He looked at me in shock.

"Young f/n why are you doing this?!" He asked. I laughed "because of people like you" I said. Nomu came out.

He fought all might and Soon Got blasted into the sky. Deku had all his bones broken to. "I win" all might said. "You think that can bet me?" All might asked with a smile. "You think that was are Trump card no he was just to tire you out. Our real weapon I something much worse." He pushed me forwards.

"A emotionless killing machine. Hated from birth." He said "shut up ugly face." I said. He was trying to make me angry.

I walked up to all might. "Sorry" is all I said before my shadows started to attack him. Unfortunately it was really bright so the shadows were weak. So it was harder to control. I then went to disintegrate him but my hand was shot.

I look behind to she Shigaraki on the ground. Bullet holes in his arms and legs. I grip my hand. And run twords them to escape. Someone pushed me away. Kurogiri?! "What in the hell?!" I said.

He looked away "sorry but you faild the mission. It was a order." He said disappearing with Shigaraki.

I fell to my knees. "I thought we were like family?" I whispered. I grew up with them. He treated me like a daughter and just like everyone else he left.

I felt my skin disintegrating. My draw back on my shadow quirk is I get sharp pains from my feet. Like it's being cut off from me. On top of that my hand was bleeding non stop.

I felt myself being pushed to the ground. I didn't fight but if I don't I'll be killed or put into prison. I'm not being traped again. Yes a few of my punishments was being thrown into a room by myself until I got whatever I couldn't do correct.

I know it sounded rough but I had some good memories from there to unfortunately it doesn't matter now.

I got up. That's when I knocked the dude in the stomach and ran. I was able to disintegrate the handcuffs. Unfortunately that made a lot more of my skin leave.

I started to run. I felt myself being tackled by someone. Bakugou! I struggled but he held his grip. I was to tired and weak to fight anymore. I quit everything all together.

If I'm going there going to have to drag my body. I lay there limp. A hero comes up to me. "Get up it's time to go." I don't speak I just stare at him from the ground. Bakugou still is holding on to me.

"Get up shit head!" He said. I just lay there. "What's the point. One I'll go to jail or two they will kill me. Either way I'm to tired to move. My skin is disintegrating, I feel as if I'm being cut in two, and my hand has a hole in it. I'm more than sure that Shigaraki put  a poison in my body. The only way I'm moving is if someone dragged me." I said.

The hero looked at me in shock. He called someone else over. It looked like medical people. They checked me over. "We're not sure she might need to go to the hospital." He said.

They put me in a ambulance. The next thing I knew I was passed out.

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