Hero Names

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I know this chapter is way off but I really wanted to do it so suck it up and deal with it. From here on out things will be different from the show.
Everything has been quite. Especially because where ever I go people seem to just stop talking and stare.

Me and bakugou has been vary close. It's hard to pull us apart. I don't know why he is so clingy.

Bakugou and I walk into the class room. The bakusquad is still mad at me but there getting over it... I think

I looked at aizawa he looked at me. "Yes?" I asked "just waiting for everyone to sit down." He said tired.

Everyone sat down. "Ok everyone today we are making your hero names. (Ok so I can't remember who was there I think it was midnight)" aizawa said.

Midnight then came through the door. She stared me down. Bakugou grabbed my hand. I looked at him and he smirked.

"Alright everyone I'm going to give you these and I want you to write your hero name down." She said.

She gave everyone one except me. Bakugou looked at me and saw I didn't have one. "You forgot one!" He screamed. She looked at him.

"No I didn't." She said. "You forgot f/n she is training to be a hero just as much as the rest of us!" He screamed in my defense.

"Bakugou it's ok don't worry about it." I said. He looked at me. "Fine we will share then." He said scooting closer to me.

"No that's not aloud." Midnight said angry. "Then give her one damn it!" Bakugou said. Midnight rolled her eyes and gave me a bored. "Thanks" I said not meaning it.

She just glared at me but who could blame her. Aizawa watched it all unfold. "Midnight that's enough. She is another student and she should be treated as such." He said.

Midnight just stared at him in shock. She breathed and nodded.

"Alright everyone please write your hero names down." She said. It took me a while to think of one.

Let's see my quirk's are shadow control and disintegration so ummmm. Destroyer? No to villains. Ummmm shadow destroyer? Nope sound like a villain still. How about- no bad idea

I've only ever been taught villain things. I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Bakugou? He looked mad. pointed to midnight. "F/n! I've been calling you. Your the last one." She said. "Umm I don't have one." I said. She stared at me. "Why?" She asked.

I scratched the back of my head. "Can't think of one." I said. She sighed and shook her head.

"Sorry" I said looking down at my bored. My head hurts. I'm ready to die now. Oop I think I have one. 'Shadow master' I wrote it on the bored.

"You have one?" She asked "yes" I said. I walked to the front. "Shadow master?" Midnight asked. "Well ya. Since I can make shadows do my will." I felt my confidence leave me.

"That's more of a villain name." She said. "How is that a villain name. There are plenty of hero's names with master or shadow in it." I said.

"Doesn't matter." She said. "Why?" I said I was mad. "Because I said" "why?" "What?" "Why are you acting so high and mighty? You were once a week kid and now you cling to the small power you have left." I said trying to make her angry.

"Why you little" she was cut off by aizawa "f/n! That's enough. You are here under the hero's. We decided if you go back to jail or not. I suggest you do t make any fights." He said.

"And what if I do? It's not like it matters. You hero's hate my guts. So either way I'm going back." I said sitting back down.

I look at bakugou. He looked deep in thought. Maybe he realized it's not a good idea to be with me. "Aizawa and midnight looked at each other. they knew I was right.

"Doesn't mean you don't have a chance. If anything you can try to make up for what you did." Midnight said. What is with these people and trying to rewrite the past.

"Why?" I asked. "What's the point in it. I'm still going to be hated. I'm still going to be seen as a pest. If anything jail is probably the best option for me right now." I said.

The bell rang and bakugou jumped up and left quickly. What's up with him?

I got up but aizawa stopped me. "Then why are you still here?" He asked. "Because even though I tried to hurt him. Even though people hate me. Bakugou sticks around. He cares for me witch is more than anyone has done for me in a long time." I said.

He let go and I left to do find bakugou. When I saw him he was sitting on the dorm couch. I sat beside him. "What's wrong?" I asked. I went to touch him but he pushed me away.

"Bakugou?" I asked. "Shut up!" He said. "What?" "You knew you would go back to jail this whole time?!" He screamed "well I don't know for sure but it's a good chance." I said now seeing the problem.

"You didn't think to tell me?! You let me get close to you just for me to figure out your never going to stay?!" He said. He was mad vary mad. "I'm sorry I just I guess I didn't think about that when we got together." I said

Guilt crawled up into me. "how could you do that?! You never thought about me?! About how I would take it?!" He screamed.

He's right I'm selfish. I should have thought this through. I guess its best to bring this to a end. "What did you expect? I'm a villain after all." I said.

He seemed hurt "Is that how it's going to be? I guess everyone was right about you. Don't ever talk to me again or I swear I send you to the hospital. It's not like anyone would care." He said walking off.

And he's right again. I messed up big time. I should have never let them take me alive.

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