Chapter One: Gray

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(Y/N) POV:

All I wanted to do was mess around on the volleyball court before school, that's it. I don't usually but I figured why not, it was Monday and the year was ending in a month anyways.

After a few minutes of spiking my own tosses near the net, I was standing in the back of the court area with a volleyball in my hands. The ball flew up in the air and in one fluid motion, I served it over the net.

A smile slowly appeared on my face and I heard clapping by the door. My head snapped quickly in that direction to see a teacher, Takeda-sensei.

"A-ah Takeda-sensei! How long have you....?" I switched glances between the floor and him.

"Long enough to see that great serve! If it's not much trouble, can you train with the male volleyball team for a few weeks?" He slowly walked up to me in shock.

"But it's a men's team and I'm a girl." I tilted my head just a bit.

"You won't be playing any games, just helping them perfect some techniques."

"Then I guess I don't mind.... I'll be by for practice after school." I quickly walked to where I had put my bag down on the floor and slung the strap over my shoulder.

"See you then (Y/N)!" He called out as I exited the room in a rush.

I ran quickly to my classroom and sat all the way in the back corner by the window. I didn't really have any friends since I mostly focused on school and occasionally volleyball. Everyone who spoke with me either needed something or was forced to. This meant that I wasn't around people and that this volleyball thing would probably turn out to be a total bust.

I ate alone with a good book at lunch and soon enough, school ended. Sadly, that didn't mean my day ended. I started on a small walk to the gym.

Someone bumped into me while I went down the stairs and ran straight passed me. I fell to the floor without much of an injury, just a small sensation of pain in my palms.

"Sorry!" The boy called out as he continued running.

I brushed my skirt off as I stood and really didn't regard it as much of a big deal. I did manage to catch a glimpse of the runner so maybe I'll say something if I ever see them again.

I continued walking to the gym and gently slid the door open to a busy court with different drills going on. Takeda-sensei spotted me from the sidelines and dragged a man with him to me.

"(Y/N), this is Coach Ukai. Ukai, this is (Y/N) and she's the girl I told you would be playing for a few weeks to help the team." Takeda-sensei introduced me to the blond man who turned out to be the coach.

I shook coach's hand and he turned to the team and yelled them over. They all gathered into a tightly packed line and I fixed my gaze on a boy who I recognized by his shaved head and delinquent "aura". The boy who knocked me over was standing right in the front.

"It's you!" We both pointed our right index fingers at each other and called out.

It was then that a small string started fading into our views. We both stared at the forming string in total confusion at it's gray color.

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