Chapter Four: A Walk

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(Y/N) POV:

I jumped on one of the rocks off to the side of the stream and started walking along the lined up rocks. They weren't slippery so I figured I should be safe.

"Hey (Y/N), get down from there." Tanaka tried to get me off the rocks.

"I don't wanna, I like walking on rocks. Are you upset that I'm finally taller than you?" I teased.

"I don't want you falling again in case I can't catch you."

"I'll be fine, trust me."

Tanaka sighed when he realized I wouldn't get down no matter what. "At least hold my hand so you have something to steady yourself with." He held his hand out.

"If it makes you feel better."  I lifted my hand and gripped his.Our hands dropped back to my side and we walked in silence for a few minutes.

"So (Y/N), tell me about yourself." Tanaka spoke suddenly.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"If you want to tell me things like your favorite color or things that are light-hearted, I'll listen. If you want to tell me about your childhood or more heavy things, I'll listen. Anything you're okay with telling me, I'll listen."

"Let's see, um.." I took a few seconds to think. "...Well we've got time so why not. I was in the adoption system since I was born basically. I never knew my biological parents though I consider my dads to be my real parents. I was always in and out of homes and orphanages so I never made any friends. I guess that stuck because I don't really talk to people now. When I was about seven, I was adopted by my dads over there and lived a normal life. I'm glad because I don't think I could've taken more years in foster homes, they're brutal." I looked down to Tanaka who was listening closely and watching me as I spoke. "Ah sorry.... That was probably too um... personal." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"No no, you can continue if you want, only if you want. I like listening to you speak and want to know more about you." Tanaka smiled at me and I felt something strike in my heart.

I smiled back, happy that someone wanted to hear my stories. "Um what else.... Oh volleyball!" I looked forward again and started swinging our hands back and forth without noticing. "So when I was adopted I thought it was going to be like the foster homes but permanently. I was happy to find out that it was nothing like the homes and that my dads were great people. When I was still having trouble opening up, they gave me a gift. I opened that gift and it was a volleyball that I don't even know how they got it. I ended up so attached to this volleyball that I decided to teach myself to play and ended up playing for fun."

"Woah you're self taught!?" Tanaka's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Mhm, mostly watching kids play in the parks and reading about it. Now I just mess around with the sport but I still love it." I smiled at the floor.

"That's even cooler! Also you have friends to play volleyball with now, don't play alone anymore."

"Thanks for listening. Enough about me though, what about you. Tell me about yourself, anything you want." I tried to change the topic off myself before I did or said something irrational.

"My life wasn't anything special when I was younger. I've loved volleyball since I could remember, even taught it to my childhood friend. I still played even when I transferred schools back in the fourth grade. I came to Karasuno last year as a first year and was a lot more impulse and hotheaded. I still am but I've learned to control it a little bit. I never found my soulmate or rival but I guess you're my rival actually. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't have a soulmate. I'm starting to give up on that since everyone gets a soulmate by age ten. That's pretty much all there is to me." Tanaka looked up at me.

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