Chapter Ten: An End

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(Y/N) POV:

We stood in front of the door to my apartment. I unlocked the door and Tanaka tightened his grip on my hand when I pushed the door open. We were met with my dads standing and waiting.

"How long have you been standing there like that?" I asked as I took my shoes off and motioned Tanaka in.

"Quite honestly, a long time." Dad Tatsuo let out a sigh and started walking to the living room.

"Just follow us." Dad Aki waved us over and left for the living room.

"Don't be nervous, they won't hurt you." I gave Tanaka a reassuring smile before leading him to where my parents were.

"First things first, congratulations!" Dad Tatsuo gave up on trying to be intimidating.

"Yes congratulations! (Y/N) found a good guy in you Tanaka." Dad Aki hopped onto the idea.

Tanaka felt a little embarrassed, "Thank you Mr.Aki."

"Okay now back to the reason we had you come over, we have to tell you something about your string." Dad Tatsuo suddenly got very serious.

I started getting worried. We had already figured out our string, what was left to know.

"The truth is, we knew what it was all along." Dad Aki told us.

"We wanted to let you guys figure it out on your own without influence. That string is extremely rare and only happens to people who don't meet their soulmate before they're ten." Dad Tatsuo's gaze switched between Tanaka and I.

"If it shows up gray, it means that the system doesn't know what you guys are since you met so late. They know you're supposed to be connected but not sure how. Instead the string shows up gray and changes as your feelings change. It's blue if you both decide to be rivals, purple if you both decide to be lovers and rivals, and red if you decide to be soulmates." Dad Tatsuo explained and it all made sense.

Silence stayed strong in the room, all the information in the air. I took everything in until I came across a roadblock.

"How do you guys know about the gray string?" I asked.

They looked between themselves and dad Tatsuo sighed, "We had one," he said.

"You're string was gray!?" I accidentally yelled out.

"Shh, no one knows." Dad Tatsuo placed a finger over his mouth, "Yes we had a gray string so we were as lost as you were."

I looked over at Tanaka to see how he was taking everything. He was excited?

"Woah! That's so cool!" He called out.

"Wait you're not mad at us for not telling you?" Dad Aki tilted his head.

"I understand, but it's awesome that you guys had it too!" Tanaka was more it awe than anything.

"We never had it as blue or purple but it stayed gray for a long time before turning red. It's been red since then and never changed once. We did know one set of people who's strings were purple and they ended up soulmates and rivals so we're mostly going off other experiences and our own." Dad Aki continued.

Strings (Ryuunosuke Tanaka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now