Chapter Three: Falling

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(Y/N) POV:

It was Saturday, also known as the day when my dads and I go out. I crawled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. My dads were already getting breakfast ready.

"Good morning parents," I said as I opened the fridge for some juice.

"Good morning child. Where are we going today?" Dad Aki was making eggs and bacon on the stove.

"Why are you asking me? Who's turn is it to pick a place?" I pulled out a cup from the cabinet and served myself some juice.

"Your turn," Dad Aki said.

"Did you forget? If you did we could just stay in today." Dad Tatsuo picked himself off the counter he was leaning on and got three plates.

"No no I was just a little out of it. Yeah we can still go out. Let's go on a walk by the stream and then we'll get ice cream. It's nice out today so we shouldn't stay indoors." I took a plate from dad Tatsuo and served myself from what dad Aki made.

"Sounds good kid."

We ate in the dining room and I did the dishes. Whoever cooks, the other one cleans. Since my parents make better food and mine are decent, they mostly cook and I clean.

When I was done with the dishes, my dads were already showered, dressed, and ready to go. I quickly tossed on a white t-shirt and jeans and walked out the door.

Dad Tatsuo locked the door behind us and we started making our way to the stream. I loved walks by the stream with my parents because it was generally so calming to walk and be around water. The birds played peaceful songs and trees had fresh leaves.

Once we had gotten to the stream area, we decided to just walk along the length and go for ice cream when we hit the end since it wasn't insanely long. I thought it was the right time to tell them about the color change.

"So, something happened." I started off.

"What happened with the volleyball boy?" Dad Tatsuo already knew.

"Why do you assume what happened is about him?" I looked up to dad Tatsuo.

"Is it?"

"Well yes, but that's not the point. The point is that the string changed colors. It's a blue string of rivalry now." I looked to the floor and hopped to one of the rocks in the water.

"That's interesting, what are you going to do about it?" Asked dad Aki.

"Well I already know why it's blue, we're competing over who has the better spike. We're doing this on Friday. From there I don't know actually." I kept hopping around on rocks in the water and keeping in pace with dad Aki and dad Tatsuo.

"I wanna see where this goes. I wonder if it'll be like-" dad Tatsuo was cut off by dad Aki covering his mouth.

I was a little confused at what shouldn't be told to me but figured that I shouldn't ask. We continued walking in silence, just listening to the birds around us.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A voice yelled.

The sudden sound caused me to lose balance and fall into the shallow water. I sat up and opened my eyes to see Tanaka running to me and extending a hand to help me out.

Strings (Ryuunosuke Tanaka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now