Chapter Five: New Emotions

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(Y/N) POV:

It was Thursday and I was in the gym after school for the team's practice. Everyone was trying their hardest for practice, especially Tanaka. He's been trying to perfect his spike all week.

I was standing by the sideline as Sugawara helped Tanaka by setting volleyballs in his direction. Tanaka was spiking the said balls and trying to get them past Daichi and Nishinoya who were waiting on the opposite end of the net to receive.

After many, many, many failed attempts to get Daichi and Nishinoya to drop the ball, Tanaka started getting frustrated. Maybe he was since earlier but now it started to show.

I walked up to Tanaka and put a hand on his back, "Hey, you got this. If you win can get the ball over and beat me at the spiking competition tomorrow, I'll get you ice cream for free."

He nodded and the spark in his eyes reignited. I stepped away before I got hurt and made my way back to the sideline.

"How do you do that?" Takeda-sensei asked me.

"Do what?" I tilted my head in confusion of what he meant.

"Motivate him, it was almost instantly that he got back in the game." Takeda-sensei was in shock.

"Ice cream." I responded with a small laugh.

This only confused him but he didn't ask any questions. He might've thought that further questions would further confuse him.

I watched as Tanaka tried and failed again. His mentality was insanely strong so he didn't let it get to him.

He gathered all his energy into one spike, he only needed one. Suga set the ball and Tanaka jumped up high. He hit the ball hard enough to send it flying across the net. It sped through the air and landed on the ground, no one could receive it.

Tanaka stood in shock that he finally did it. Once realization came to him, he ripped his tank top off and started celebrating. Everyone joined him in cheering that he finally did it

I laughed at how the team celebrated with him. Just watching them was enough for me.

Tanaka ran up to me, hugged me, and spun me in a circle. My face turned bright red once he set me down again.

"I did it! My spike made it past our best receivers!" Tanaka yelled in excitement.

"I saw! Congratulations!" I looked away and hoped he wouldn't see the color rushing to my face.

He jumped his way back to the team and continued practicing. They all grew a little tired of it but it was great practice for all parts if they started trying blocks, which I suggested.

I watched them practice, I say them but I kept my eyes on Tanaka the whole time. Something about him just kept me captivated. Is this what a crush is?

I mean I did like having his company over others. My heart did leaps whenever he was nearby. Even a smile in my direction would shoot butterflies straight to my stomach. Tanaka was easy to talk to and I found myself wanting to tell him everything. He was just so sweet and respectful yet so childish and energetic that I caught myself thinking of him all the time. I didn't even know him for that long.

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