Chapter Nine: Aftermath

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(Y/N) POV:

It was official, Tanaka and I were an item- even better, soulmates. I put on my uniform and got ready for a new week of school.

The second I walked into the kitchen my dads were looking all smug. They didn't even know about what happened, I didn't say yet. I took a bowl and fixed myself some cereal with the watching eyes on my back.

I took my bowl to the table and my parents followed in silence. We all sat at the table and I couldn't take it anymore.

"What?" I asked them.

"You came home late last night." Dad Tatsuo smirked.

"Yeah... What's your point?"

"You were out with Tanaka last night." Dad Aki stated.

"Yeah... Are you going to state the obvious?" I lifted an eyebrow and continued eating.

"The point is, you were smiling like an idiot yesterday night when you came home. There's a new bracelet on your wrist and you don't wear jewelry like that. What happened?" Dad Tatsuo leaned forward.

"Fine I'll tell you, I told Tanaka that I liked him and-"

"Aha! yes I knew it!" Called out dad Aki before I was done.

"Shhh let her finish." Dad Tatsuo turned to me "continue."

"As I was saying, I told him I liked him and he said he liked me back. We ignored our gray string and started dating but right as we became official, our string turned red and we were soulmates." I smiled to myself as I got up and put my bowl in the sink.

"Aww that's adorable! Wait that means I have to give him a dad talk. Bring him after school (Y/N)!" Dad Tatsuo was hyper about everything.

"Yeah no, you are physically incapable of giving a dad talk." I put my shoes on and stood by the door.

"What? I can give a dad talk!" He argued.

"She's right, you can't. I love you and all but you're a soft teddy bear who can't give a dad talk." Dad Aki stifled his laughs.

"Wha- you guys are mean." Dad Tatsuo crossed his arms and pouted.

"I'll be off then." I put the bag strap over my shoulder and opened the door.

"Wait, do bring Tanaka over. We have to tell you guys something." Dad Aki stopped me just before I walked out.

"I'll question that later, see you. Don't be late to work!" I yelled as I closed the door behind me.

I made my way to school and to my classroom. I sat in the back corner by the window as always. Since I wasn't part of the team anymore I would just go to their afternoon practices.

Right before the official class start time, the door slammed open. Everyone, including me, turned their heads to see Tanaka moving towards my desk. The class fell silent.

"Tanaka? What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper when he crouched by my desk.

"You weren't at practice today." He pouted and realized all eyes were on us. "Mind your business!" He yelled out to no one in particular.

Strings (Ryuunosuke Tanaka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now