Chapter Six: Friendly Competition

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(Y/N) POV:

I woke up feeling excited to compete with Tanaka on our spikes. I quickly got dressed and walked to the kitchen for breakfast.

When I got there, my dads were mid conversation. They turned to me and smirked with a knowing look when they noticed me.

"What?" I asked, pulling a bowl from the cabinet.

"Just friends my ass. Tanaka brought you home yesterday, on his back, asleep." Dad Aki smiled and crossed his arms.

"We are just friends though. He was only being considerate." I poured some cereal into the bowl and then milk.

"Mhm mhm, is that why he left your room in a blushing mess, quickly too." Dad Tatsuo also started interrogating me.

"You let him in my room? Why the hell would you let him in my room?"

"You were on his back and we couldn't figure out how to get you off without waking you, but that's besides the point. Your arms were gripped around him so tight." Dad Tatsuo started snickering.

"I did that.....?" A pink tint rose to my cheeks as I walked to the dining room table with my bowl of cereal.

"Sure did." Dad Tatsuo replied.

"It's too bad your strings aren't red. I mean he might look like a delinquent but he'd make a great son in law. I want him as my son in law (Y/N)." Dad Aki chimed in.

"Aaaand we're getting ahead of ourselves. I'm going now." I took my empty bowl to the kitchen, grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

I started walking to school and made my way to the gym. I had gotten there really early and was given a spare key a few days ago.

I opened the doors to an empty room and took the opportunity to mess around. I dropped my bags against the wall next to the entrance and picked my phone and wireless headphones out of my pocket. Inserting the headphones into my ears, I put on my playlist.

I walked up to the cart of balls and took one, spinning it in my hand. I jogged to the back of the court, threw the ball up, then ran and hit it over the net.This continued for a few minutes and no one came into the gym.

I started humming and tossed the ball up and set my arms out to receive it. The ball fell to the ground as I saw a purple string fade into view on my left hand. Purple?

I pulled my headphones out of my ears and turned to the door. The door slammed open and Tanaka came running in.

"Tanaka? You're early?" I crouched and picked up the volleyball that was bouncing in place.

"Yeah, I wanted to get some extra practice in." He dropped his bags on the floor with a loud bang that made me jump a little.

I put my headphones back in and started working on my receives. I kept dropping the ball but picked it back up and kept bouncing it on my forearms.

I kept thinking about why the string changed colors and what purple meant. Our string is turning any color but the one I wanted.

My thoughts faded once my music came to a sudden stop. I lifted my hand up to my ear and the headphones were gone. In a panic, I rapidly turned around and knocked face first into someone.

Strings (Ryuunosuke Tanaka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now