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*12 years after the events of chapter ten

(Y/N) POV:

"That's the last box!" I yelled out as I placed a box of small decorations on the floor.

"Yes finally!" Ryunosuke yelled as he came running from the new bedroom. "We're officially moved in together!"

He came and spun me in a circle, holding me just above him. I leaned in just a little before being interrupted.

"Ahem!" Saeko cleared her throat.

"Sorry about that," my ears turned red realizing that Saeko was watching.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just happy my little bro moved in with his soulmate and she's actually a cool girl." Saeko waved us off.

"Thank you for helping us with the move, I appreciate it." I smiled at her.

"You're welcome, I should get going. See you guys soon." Saeko waved goodbye and closed the door behind her.

"And just like that, she's gone. I'm really loving the apartment though. Pretty nice for the first time being here with an actual set up. The furniture and everything was already set up, all that's left is whatever is in those boxes." I sighed a little at the thought of putting it all away.

"Let's not think about that right now, you're tired right?" Ryu bent his knees a bit to look me in the face.

"Just a little, walking up and downstairs from the fourth floor is exhausting. Especially when you're carrying boxes."

"I figured." He picked me up bridal style and I slung my arms around the back of his neck.

Ryu carried me to the bedroom which was already set up. A big bed was set in the middle of the room and ready. He laid me down on one end and crouched next to the bed at eye level.

"Take a nap or simply lay down if you want, I'll be putting away some things." Ryu looked away to the boxes in view of the open door.

I pulled his face to me with both hands and my lips went crashing into his. The kiss was short yet passionate, and left me breathless.

A smile appeared on Ryu's face, "I thought you were tired."

"Never too tired for a kiss," I responded.

"Take a nap beautiful, You deserve it." He ruffled my hair and stood up.

As he wished, I fell asleep with a sweet dream. I awoke to see Ryu laying next to me and out cold.

"Who's tired now?" I gently got up and started wandering around the unfamiliar apartment.

As I explored, I noticed there were no boxes in sight. He had really put them all away. I decided to get him a small gift.

I slipped on a light jacket since it had gotten dark and cold in the time I was asleep, and took a short trip to the store nearby.

I bought some melonpan and walked back to the apartment. As soon as I walked through the door, Ryu was coming through the bedroom door.

"Where'd you go? I woke up and you weren't there so I got worried." He came up and took the bag from my hand.

"I wanted to get you something to congratulate the move. I just went to the store." I slipped off my jacket and hung it on a rack by the entrance.

"Melonpan? You went to the store this late for these?" Ryu's eyes lit up when he saw what I had bought.

"Yeah, you can have one now if you'd like."

The second I said that he teared through one of the packages and took a bite of a melonpan. I laughed just a little and Ryu looked at me with the melonpan still hanging from his mouth.

"You're such a dork you know."

"A dork you're going to marry." He spoke through muffled words.

"Still a dork nonetheless," I walked back to our room.

I sat with my head against the wall and lifted my hand to see a simple silver band resting around my ring finger. I admired the engagement ring that was given to me a few months ago. Just below this ring was the bracelet Ryu bought me on our first date, how far we've come.

He came into the room and sat up against the wall next to me. He brought down my hand and interlocked it with his.

"I can't wait to marry you, have a kid with you, spend my life with you." Ryu rested his head on my shoulder.

"I can't wait to be Tanaka (F/N)." I leaned my head against his.

Before I knew it, we both were talking about our future. While our views might've differed at points, there was one thing in common.

Whatever came, we would face it together.

A/N: I'm really sorry for the late update! Our journey together ends here, thank you for following along. Your comments, votes and reads kept me motivated! Thank you so much for 1k! Feel free to check out any of my other xreaders it'd mean a lot but you don't have to. 'Til we meet again my readers!

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