Chapter Two: A Strange change

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(Y/N) POV:

I got to volleyball practice later than usual today. It's already been a few days since I started "playing" for the team. Friday had come before I knew it and I would only have a week left of this practice player job.

I opened the doors and Tanaka was on the side of the door putting down his bag. I looked down to where he was crouched and dropped my bag next to his.

"You too?" I asked.

"I'm surprised you're late (Y/N). You're always early or on time. Help me up?" Tanaka held his hand out for me to help him up and I saw the gray string.

I stood in front of him but against the wall. "My parents moved some things in my room when they were cleaning so I had to look for them myself."

I took Tanaka's hand and pulled but he wouldn't budge. I tried again but pulled a little harder and ended up pressed against the wall and Tanaka. He noticed what happened and froze for a second. I waved a hand over his face and he snapped back to reality.

Tanaka quickly took a few steps backwards and put a hand behind his head. "Oh.... Oh! S-sorry.... I didn't think it would go like... this"

"It's fine, wasn't intentional." I gave him a reassuring smile and heard my name.

"(Y/N) AND TANAKA ARE GETTING ROMANTIC!!" Nishinoya called out from somewhere in the court.

I looked around to where he was and he started running once I met his eyes. He ran and hid behind Asahi who looked more confused than usual.

"Asahi save me!" Noya peeked out from behind and saw me.

"Do you mind?" I pointed to behind Asahi.

"No, not at all." Asahi stepped over, "go ahead."

"Asahi that's cold!" Nishinoya pouted.

"It's the right choice though." I walked up to Noya. "I'll give you ten seconds."

He didn't even bother hearing what would happen in those ten and started bolting around the room. I giggled a little bit and walked around to see anyone who was struggling.

Everyone was doing well so I stood off by the side with coach and Takeda-sensei. Sugawara came up to me within minutes.

"What's going on between you and Tanaka?" He flat out asked me.

"Nothing, we're just.... friends I guess," I responded.

"Not soulmates? No string? I mean you are hanging out with him far more than with anyone else. He was against your body two minutes ago." Suga crossed his arms like I was being interrogated.

"Not soulmates. There's a string but it's a different color. I hang out with him because I enjoy his occasional company. The thing a few minutes ago was an accident." I crossed my arms in imitation.

"Wait what color is your string?" Suga's arms returned to his side.

"Gray." I unfolded my arms.

"I've never heard of a gray string."

"Neither have I but I'm sure that's the color."

"That's odd, anyways that clears up what I wanted to ask. Also I heard you spike really well and I wanted to see. Can you maybe spike a ball or two? I'll set for you."  He suddenly turned into a fan of mine.

"Sure, why not." I followed Suga to a ball cart and told him that I'll count to three and then he sets the ball.

I stood at the right edge of the net while Sugawara stood at the left edge.

"One... Two... Three!" I called out.

Sugawara set the ball perfectly and I jumped just in time to hit it over the net. The volleyball went soaring right to the other side of the court. It was barely in but still in, just my specialty.

I smiled at the result. The court had suddenly gotten quiet and I looked around to see why. I found that the reason was my spike.

Tanaka especially was in shock. He ran up to me with a flame in his blue-gray eyes.

"W-woah! That was a great spike! You're a wing spiker!?" He spoke pretty loud and everyone could hear.

"Yeah.... Yeah I'm a wing spiker." I laughed a little at how he reacted.

"Me too! My spikes are really good too!" He yelled like a kid but I found it pretty adorable.

"I see them Tanaka, I know they're good."

"They might be the best!" The fire in his eyes burned stronger but so did my competitive side.

"Care to bet on that?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"You bet!"

"We'll see who's are better by the end of next week, my last week."

"Deal." Tanaka held out his left hand and I shook it.

We watched in confusion as the gray string slowly changed. That's what it seemed like. We lifted our hands as the gray color slowly shifted to a blue one.

That was odd, I thought the strings can't change. That's what we were told, but our string was breaking that rule.

It finally hit me that my string had a blue color now and meant that it was the string of rivalry. Our unidentified string had turned into the one I'd rather not have. The rivalry seemed friendly which I guess counted but I couldn't help but feel a little uneasiness.

While I was standing in thought, Tanaka had called me from the side of the gym. I rushed over and everyone continued to practice as normal.

"What just happened!?" Tanaka whisper yelled.

"I don't know either. I think this means our string is of rivalry." I lifted my left hand. "Should've figured since the gray string appeared on our left hands and that's where the rivalry string is. If it was the soulmate string it would've been on the right."

I looked up from my hand at Tanaka who seemed a little disappointed.

"You okay?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hm? Yeah I'm fine. The string may say rivalry but I'm not going to fight with you. It's a friendly rivalry!" He put a fist to his chest as he yelled the last bit.

"Of course." I held out my left pinkie.

He took it with a laugh and we made a pinkie promise to not fight. We only knew each other for a few days and I can easily say he looks like a delinquent but it's all an act. Under the act, he's really just a dorky kid.

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