Tears of Sorrow

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Ungodly of a false god

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Ungodly of a false god


Chuuya hated knowing he was just deep within him, knowing that he wasn't who he says he is who people think he is. Beauty how did people see beauty, he was a monster a vessel made he be a tool. For others and, for Arahabaki willing giving himself a away.

He didn't own his Own body, he didn't know his own mine his own thoughts. Maybe it's just in this life, maybe in his next it would all be better then this. Then again their was no next life for him, no other side awaiting him to come and join them with glee.

He was a tool, nothing more then a tool no matter how you look at it. A tool for Arahabaki to run free in his world, a tool for the sheep and a tool for the mafia. He had no thing as freewill, it was the forbidden fruit to him never should take a bite or the punishment would be awful.

He knows this pain, he's been friends with the dark for quite some time. He's scared of it yes, but it's always been with him for as long as he can remember. No light shining in upon him, no righteous person here to save him maybe he saved others. Or maybe he killed others, he's done a series of both and that's the truth.

He could be better, do better why doesn't he try? Once again he's a tool, a doll for people to use and throw away when they get a better one. Waiting the next person, to come pick him up and play with him.

He'd be thrown onto the ground again, falling hitting the harshly cold floor with tears bottled up in his eyes.

" Chuuya "

His eyes looked up
" Yes boss? " Chuuya asked
Mori smiled
" You should get going to your next mission " Mori said
That's right a suicide mission, chuuya knows that even so he nods getting up. The mafia is done using him, they don't need him anymore he's completely unless to the mafia now.

He looks at the wide rage of guards, he shuts his eyes for a moment he think dazai would save him. Come in to me to stop corruption, but he knows he's not worth saving he's to far in the dark for anyone to see.

Arahabaki a false god

A powerful being that using a vessel, to what to roam free around the earth. To use it's horrifying powers, to kill to destroy to break a soft breath leaves chuuya.

It wouldn't be that bad, no he wouldn't have to be doll if he dies. A suicide mission, who knew he'd welcome death with open arms. Wasn't that dazai's thing, or isn't it dazai's thing to do it is. Chuuya opens his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes washed over with darkness.

Before he could do anything, a hand wraps it's around his wrist chuuya's eyes fall to his wrist.
" You were never the one for suicide chuuya I'm surprised " Dazai said
His voice soft a gentle, he always used it with chuuya when it came to corruption.

Blue eyes covered in darkness, met brown eyes filled with light.
" It was a mission " Chuuya said out in a whisperer
Dazai smiled softly
" It wasn't chuuya " Dazai said
Chuuya looked down, was it now dazai's turn to use him once again. Even if yes, chuuya would allow he's a doll and everyone is the person playing him.

A dog and a master

A puppets and it's master

A plan and the mastermind

A slave and it's master

Nothing but a tool, a false god lays in him. The darkness surrounded him, maybe that's what it was maybe he was the darkness.


Blood so much blood, so much destruction so much pain. Chuuya wanted it to stop, wanting the maniacal laughter leaving his throat to stop. Wanting all the blood falling from him to stop, wanting all the pain he's in so much pain to stop.

Willing giving himself away, so Arahabaki could run wild dazai wouldn't save him. Dazai may have been in the darkness but he found the light, chuuya just wondered deeper into the darkness thinking it's the way out.

His hands were stained with blood, he had no chance of being taken into the light. He had no right, he was a tool working for whatever master used him. He wasn't allowed in the light, he was born in the darkness he'll die in the darkness.

Chuuya's body was giving up, how many people did he kill how many people did he save. How many times has he used corruption, how many times would he use corruption. Questions upon questions, would they be answered have they already been answered.

Arahabaki was a false god, it didn't exist chuuya wasn't human. He smiled softly so softly, dazai grabbed his arm saving chuuya from the pain of corruption.

His body fell into dazai's arms, only to be set down carefully and left alone. He wasn't done being used then, once again he'd be used as a tool that's all he was.

His eyes fell shut, his body sleeping away the pain. What else could he do, he had nothing and no one to stay in the dark with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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