Who's your family

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Who's apart of your family?And do they approve of your relationship?

Hawks is your uncle
(And your legal guardian)

Yes,He likes the way Bakugo does things.
He thinks he's a little hot headed but deep down he knows you're good for each other and you can calm him down

Fatgum's daughter

Who wouldn't approve of him?!He thinks you guys are the ultimate power couple and he definitely ships it.He's already secretly planning what to serve at your wedding.

Your parents are President Mic and Mr Aizawa
Your siblings are Hitoshi and Eri

Aizawa and Hitoshi definitely don't approve of him.Eri likes to do TikToks with him and President Mic just wants you to be happy.
But he won't hesitate to come for him if he hurts you!

You're Bakugo's younger cousin
(You live with him because your parents died while on a pro hero mission)

Bakugo definitely doesn't approve (but he secretly finds you both cute together)
Your Auntie Mitsuki definitely approves because it gives her an excuse to invite him over for dinner.Masaru likes Izuku's drive to become a hero so he approves

Ms.Midnight is your Auntie
(And your legal guardian)

She thinks he's a little dull.But if you're happy she's happy.She also thinks he's successful because of his performance at the sports festival

You're Bakugo's little sister by exactly 11 minutes

Definitely not!He hates him with all of his being.Not as much as he hates Deku but he hates him a lot for getting together with you.
Mitsuki likes him a lot.One time she was calling you guys for dinner but you weren't responding so she walked into the living room only to find you and him fully passed out on the couch side by side.She thought it was the cutest thing!And it's an official picture in the family photo album.Masaru likes his calm and respectful way of doing things.

Did y'all listen to Yagami Yato's new video of my husband last night?!
It was very nice!I'll put it up top^^

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