When you draw him a picture

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To say Bakugo had a bad day was an understatement...He was pissed!

So you decided to give him a little bit of space to cool down butttttttt....
You got bored and decided to draw him a picture of a hedgehog with blonde hair and explosions around it to maybe make him feel better.So you got your crayons and got to work.When you were done you bolted to his room to give it to him.

You knocked on his door to which you heard a loud crash and a muffled "Stupid ass!Dumb ass carpet!Always in my fucking way!"
You couldn't help but crack up imagining him falling on the carpet.When he opens the door his angry expression softened a little when he saw you.

"Oh it's just you dumbass.What do you want?"

"Here!I made it for you!To maybe make you feel better!"You said holding out the drawing as if you were a toddler.

"B-babe?Wha-?Fuck!" He said blushing
"What's wrong?!Do you not like it?!" You said holding the paper to your chest about to cry.

"N-No I don't like it...I FUCKING LOVE IT!
Babe it's looks like me!A-And you just m-made my day baby!"He said tearing up a little
You blushed knowing that he appreciated your handmade gift.You then proceeded to be picked up by Bakugo and carried to the bed to take a much needed nap with him.(After he hung up your picture by his desk of course)

(I think we all need a softie Bakugo)

You were bored waiting for Mr.Aizawa to show up to your detention...See what had happened was you decided it would be funny to play the song "Deepthroat" by CupcakKe on the loud speakers with Kaminari (I can't take that song seriously I crack up every single time)

So here you both were on opposite sides of the room waiting for him to show up when Kaminari tossed something to you.It was a pack of Crayons.You mouthed a "Thank you" and he nodded pulling out his own pack of crayons.

You both proceeded to color your pictures until Mr.Aizawa showed up and said he didn't care if you guys colored the whole time just be quiet.

~1 hour later~

You were sure your picture of a Shark wearing crocs on its fins would make it up to Kiri who was pretty upset with you and Kaminari's behavior (Even if he laughed a little bit).

Once Aizawa gave you both the all clear to head back to the dorms you went straight to Kirishima's room.You knocked on the door only for it to be answered by a rare sight...a Kirishima who looked a little upset!

"B-babe I know what I did was inappropriate and a little funny..." You mumbled the last part

"BUT I hope this will make it up to you..." you said digging in your school bag as he watched you with a confused look on his face.

"HERE!" You said holding it out to him



"Yes of course I do!Come on lets go cuddle please?"

"Of course Kiri!"

It was a Saturday afternoon and you were waiting for Kami to finish his online game in his dorm room.You let out a huff as you scrolled through your Instagram feed bored out of your mind.You wished he could finish up with the stupid video game already and pay attention to you!That's when your eyes fell on a box of crayons and paper.You had a great idea in your mind.

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