Moana AU

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Just hear me out...I saw this BNHA Moana AU
and I'm's so good!
(I switched it up a bit to include the reader)
Maui~All Might
Hei Hei~Denki
Gramma Tala~Recovery Girl
Kakamora~The league of villains
Te Fiti~Todoroki

it's so good!(I switched it up a bit to include the reader)Moana~YouMaui~All MightTamatoa~BakugoHei Hei~DenkiPua~DekuGramma Tala~Recovery GirlKakamora~The league of villainsTeka~Endeavor Te Fiti~Todoroki

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This one was definitely my favorite.I love the way Bakugo looks as Tamatoa.

Artist~Kinnme on Tumblr

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