Making up

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Little did you know that you weren't the only one who couldn't stand it...

You expected Bakugo to stick to his words.With him being so prideful and all.However Bakugo couldn't stand what he said to you.He knew that you struggled with school and he knew that you would never go off and run around with Deku behind his back.Man he really messed up.But what scared him is the fact that he didn't know if you wanted to stay with him.

He knew he messed up

"But ya know dude it's not to late to fix it!" Kirishima said with his famous sharky grin.

"But what should I even do shitty hair?!I mean I called her a stupid whore,told her she shouldn't be in class 1-A,THEN!I accused her of cheating on me with Deku!"

"Well for starters I think sorry is a great place to start!" Kirishima smiled.

~Time skip to 11:45 at night~
You had once again cried yourself to sleep because of how lonely you were without Bakugo.

Bakugo enters the room with (your favorite snack) and an elephant plushie only to find you taking shaky breaths and have dried tears on your cheeks.

(Ya know how after you finished crying you have those shaky breaths and a bad headache?
I hate those but the sleep you get after crying is

Bakugo couldn't have felt worse.He was the one who caused you to feel like this.And as much as he felt bad for waking you up he knew he had to do it.
"Hey um baby...." he whispered as he shook you awake

"mmmmmm...huh?What are you doing here?"
You grumbled

"Here." He said as he handed you the snack and the plushie

"Huh?" You said super confused

"Um I just wanted to say that I'm S-sor-sss"

"Your what Kat?" You said as you smirked


"It's ok Kat I forgive you.And I'm sorry too for calling you an arrogant prick."

"Nah it's fine I forgive you."

"Cuddles?!" You said

"Ughhh FINE!" He sighed and climbed into bed with you


You woke up to a familiar red fuzz of hair next to you...


"O-oh heh...hey"

"What are you doing here?I thought I annoy you?"You said as you started to tear up.

Kiri was looking down at the bed until he heard a sniffle.

He looks up and pulls you into a tight embrace

"Oh no!Baby please don't cry!I really didn't mean the things I said...I shouldn't have skipped out on you like that!God I feel so unmanly!!"

"So you don't find me annoying?" You sniffed as he wiped your tears with his thumbs.

"Of course not baby!I'm so sorry I said those things to you.I don't know what I was thinking!"

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