When he asks for your parents blessing

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When he asks for your parent/or guardian's blessing to marry you and how do they react to the question?

He took a super deep breath before knocking on the door to your house.The house he had been to so many times before.The house that belonged to the #2 pro hero Hawks.The house where he met your Uncle for the 1st time.The house where he asked you to be his girlfriend.

And now he was ready to change that!
He was SO ready!But why was he so nervous?

"I'm the great Bakugo!" He thought
"I-I can to this!" He said while shaking

The door was opened

"Oh!Sorry man (Y/N) isn't home,She left for the mall about 30 minutes ago!"

"W-well I was actually wanting to speak to you sir."

"Hm?Well I've got plenty of time!Come on in!"

He sat down on the couch right next to Hawks and cleared his throat

"U-um so I would like to ask for your blessing to marry (Y/N).And you don't have to say yes but I just want you to know that I love her so much like I can't even explain the love I feel for her.And we're graduating soon and I want to stick by her side for the rest of my life!"

"Wow!That was amazing!Ya know what?You have my blessing Katsuki.You seem to love her a lot.And if you wanna stick by her side through it all then you are definitely worth her time!"

"Oh thank you sir!I won't disappoint her I promise!" He said starting to tear up but quickly wiped it away

He knocked on FatGum's office door.

"Come in!"

He opens the door with a shaky hand.

"Oh Kirishima!(Y/N) just went back to the house about an hour ago!What are you still doing here?"

"O-oh I've just been taking a walk and thinking about something.And I've come up with the right answer!"

"Well do you need to talk about it?" FatGum said setting his pen down


"Come have a seat."


He sat down in the chair in front of FatGum's desk as he fiddled with his own hands

"You ok Kirishima?You seem a little on edge"

"U-um well it's about (Y/N)...and I've been thinking about this for a while.A-And I've finally got the right answer...but I should ask you 1st sir!"

"Well go ahead!" FatGum said with a grin obviously knowing what was coming next.And he had been waiting for this for a while now

"Well I would like to ask for your permission to marry (Y/N)"

"Yes!Of course you can!"

"R-really?You mean it?!" He said starting to tear up

"Kirishima,You're an amazing intern to me and an amazing boyfriend to (Y/N)!She talks about you non stop.Its crazy how many amazing stories she has about you!"

"*Sniff* Y-You have n-no idea how much t-this means t-to me sir!"

"Awe come here!" FatGum said opening his arms for a hug which Kirishima gladly accepted

"T-thank you s-sir!I can't believe I get to marry the girl I love!" He said as he sobbed even harder

I knocked on the door to the house that I know by heart.The house I've been kicked out of exactly 23 times by my teacher who just so happened to be the father of the love of my life.

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