Bad day headcannons

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What happens when he has a bad day?

~Literally almost always has bad days
but some get to him more then others
~He needs to be alone for a little bit at the end of the day which you respect
~When he is feeling slightly better he will hang on your door and force you to fall asleep with him
~He's a cuddle bug when he's upset
~He thinks it's stupid that you fall asleep before him when being cuddled but he's so good at it you can't help it

~Literally the definition of a cuddle bug
~He needs to be held like a baby when he has been having a bad day
~He rarely has them but it happens to the best of us
~He thinks it's manly to show emotion however he gets slightly self conscious when he cries in front of you.You tell him you're just happy he feels that he can come to you
~He can and will cry himself to sleep in your arms (it's sad to witness but you rub him back while he clings to you and cries)

~Denki won't tell you when he had a bad day but you can tell
~He's not his usual flirty energetic self and it makes you so sad that he had a bad day but won't say anything
~When you knock on his door he answered it and looked exhausted
~You ask if he's ok and he finally breaks down
~You will let him cuddle you and grab you butt all he wants...for some reason it makes him feel better (don't ask😂)

~Will most definitely deny the fact that he's had an off day
~But what bothers you is that he will literally fake smile and say "Hero's have to keep smiling (Y/N) it's what we do!"
~You often have to remind his that he's still a teenager and teenagers have emotions
~He will start crying and let everything out in the privacy of one of your dorms
~You will give him anything he asks for and it's always snuggles

~Won't day a word but you can most definitely tell
~Sure he has a cold attitude but not usually towards you and you didn't like it but you knew it was one of those off days
~You keep to yourself all day trying to find a way to deal with it in the best way
~At the end of the day you go to his dorm and ask if he's ok and he will just break down
~You let him cry it out before cuddling and watching Frozen with him

~It's not obvious but you just know....You can tell
~It's obvious when he didn't get sleep last night and he's tired
~But you know that he occasionally struggles with his insomnia issues
~You will ask him how much sleep he got last night and most of the time he'll say something like "none" or "maybe 1-3 hours"
~So you force him to cuddle you till you two fall asleep (He loves that side of you,clinging to him like a koala while you lightly snore and drool.Others may find it gross but he adores it)

~He won't come to hang out with you or the Bakusquad after school and then you know why
~He only does this when he has an off day
~And you're quick to dash back to the dorms to snuggle him
~He will literally deny the fact that he had a bad day till you threaten to not talk to him for 3 days
~He will spill everything that he's been keeping inside all day and you love the fact that he trusts you so much.After you guys snuggle and eventually fall asleep

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