When you fail a test

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You weren't the best student out there so you often failed a test or quiz.It made you doubt your intelligence as a whole and it made you feel like shit.

You had just gotten your English quiz back and your score was a whopping 53%!

"Just great!" You quietly sighed to yourself hoping Bakugo wouldn't come over here and make a comment like last time when you guys had your big fight.
"Psh!Nah he wouldn't do that again...I hope."

In fact you were "graced"with your class president's appearance...

"(Y/N)!I think you might want to consider studying next time!It may help you on the next quiz!Playing video games will NOT help you!"

You sighed you knew he was right...

"Thank you Iida.I appreciate your he-..."

"Oi!Four eyes!Mind your DAMN business!"

"I assure you bakugo I was only suggesting she studied.But using that language is unaccep-..."


As you both walked to the dorms you asked him....
"Why'd you yell at Iida for trying to help?"
"I don't want him to help you succeed!Thats my job!" He responds calmly grabbing your hand to cross the street...

"You're not stupid babe!I'll prove you're smart with your next test score!"

Ever sense after lunch you weren't your same
caring cheerful self.Kirishima took note of that.

He had just assumed you didn't feel well or you ate too much so when you got back to the dorms he left you alone thinking you were sick and you wanted alone time.But he still thought to bring you some water...

"Hey Kirishima!Where are you going with that big glass of water?!" Sero chuckled catching the attention of the rest of the Bakusquad.

"Ah!(Y/N) looked a little sick earlier and she was avoiding me so I thought if she's sick she needs to hydrate!Cause it's the manly thing to do!Ya know help your partner!?"

"Oh...She's not sick!" Mina said
"Huh?!Then what's wrong?"
"Just go talk to her...I think it'll help her out!"
She said patting his shoulder.
He got to your dorm and let himself in...cause that's what you told him to always do.

"Hey baby shark?!Are you feeling ok-..."
He paused seeing you holding a crumpled piece of paper while tears ran down your beautiful cheeks.You quickly wiped them away with the sleeves of his hoodie that you were wearing.

"H-hey Kiribabe!What's u-up?" You said in the most cheerful way you could.Truth was you studied so hard for your hero laws quiz but you still ended up failing with a 42%.
"I should be asking you the same thing!What's that paper Baby Shark?!Is it why your upset?"
You handed him the paper with shaking hands.
He grabbed it looking down at it sighing.
"Ya know babe...this test score doesn't define who you are....You did your best and that's all that matters!Come 'ere!" He said pulling your to a bear hug.You sighed feeling comfortable with him.And he was right.

You sat at your desk shaking.Your dad had asked you to stay after class which scared you because you were the only one who didn't get your quiz back that afternoon.He picked up the dreaded piece of paper from his desk and walked over to you.
"I know you can do better (Y/N).Please try harder next time.Have a good rest of your night and don't worry about it to much!Ok princess?

"Sure thing dad!"You fake smiled.

"I'll see you later to wish you sweet dreams!But right now I have to finish lesson plans!Ok?

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