Bursts Into Bloom

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"Ugh! Not again."

Seungwan felt gloomy as she arrived at her apartment. She got her mails and letters inside her delivery box, there are letters again that were not hers. She removed her shoes and put them in the rack and entered the apartment with her hamster-design slippers that she had ordered online.

She looked at the letters. There she found her electric bill, telephone bill, water bill, letters from work and three letters in a white envelope that the recipient is Bae Joohyun.

"Why are her letters delivered to me? This is like the fourth time." She complained.

For the past few weeks, Seungwan always got the mails of a certain Bae Joohyun. She doesn't know her so she always gives it to the guard at the apartment entrance so he can give it to Miss Bae. She has no idea why her mail is inside her delivery box. She doesn't have any idea if it's that important but mostly it's her bills or letter from her work?

Seungwan looked inside her fridge to see if she had something to eat. Luckily, she found a Chinese take out and put it in the microwave. She had no idea when she bought it but it still looked edible. Ugh! I hate living alone. I always have no food.

She changed her clothes to comfortable clothing after she heated her food. Wearing a skirt and heels all day is a four letter word - HELL. Particularly when your boss is hitting on you which is basically double your age. Seungwan wants to look for a certain job with good pay but she can't leave her work yet so she has no choice.

She sits on her sofa, turns on the television that she rarely does, food in her mouth while looking at her letters.

"Bills! I hate you!" She whined.

Seungwan found that she didn't get a response to the company that she is applying for. This is her third time applying to them but still no answers. She really wants to have a job at the marketing department of that company.

"If I have just my luck." She whispered as she watched the variety show.

The next day, Seungwan gave the letters, again, of Bae Joohyun to the guard. It seems like that the guard already knew her purpose.

"Why did I always receive these, by the way? Well, thank you for doing me a favor. I always bother you. I'll get you coffee next time."

She winked at the guard before she's off to work. Her whole day is the same as usual, overdosing with caffeine, submitting reports and proposals, gossiping about the boss with his mistress, office workers that keep nagging about their low salary and Seungwan, having an eye to eye on the computer screen.

"Seungwan, boss told me to give this to you." Jeongyeon, her co-worker, told her and handed her the folder.

She sighed as she accepted a folder with his sign and note telling her how good she is at work and asking her if she had time to have dinner with him. Yuck! Seungwan tears the note and puts it in the trash bin under her table.

Exhausted and tired after work, she looked again at her delivery box, a parcel waiting. Do I order something online? As she read who it came from, more like the receiver, she held her temple, making herself relax for another adrenaline coming through.

"How many times do I have to receive these things? I'm not Bae Joohyun!" She muttered while lasered the parcel with her invisible laser eyes.

"Excuse me?"

Seungwan slowly turns around to find a woman in a black corporate coat over a white blouse and black slacks. She really has good composure with her black heels and chained leather bag. Her right brow is slightly up and her fierce red lipstick gave her a more furious aura. She's kinda beautiful though.

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