Taste Like Honey

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Seulgi nudged her right arm as Irene pinning the steering wheel. Her eyes are on the road while they are on their way to their work. Irene doesn't want to delay their appointment that is why she fetches Seulgi at her apartment.

"I'll play music." She asked her.


Seulgi turns on the radio and music starts playing. Irene is not very familiar with the song playing as she only listens to what her company produces.

"Songs are kinda weird these days." She commented while driving her car in the left direction then she stopped as soon as the traffic light turned red.

"Nah. You're just old school. It's the music that is popular now."

The song is already finished and she starts driving the car again. She assumed that there was another song but a person started speaking.

"Good morning everyone! I'm here again to give you sunshine throughout the day, this is your favorite DJ, DJ Wannie."

Irene sneered. "Pfft. Wannie? That's a weird name."

"Yah. DJ Wannie is really popular and she really has a nice voice."

Irene takes a quick glance at Seulgi that is giving her now a death glare.

Her brow raised. "What? Is she your girlfriend or something?"

Seulgi crossed her arms. "You're crazy. I just admire her and if Joy hears you, I'll be dead."

They are almost close to their office building. Seulgi is a friend that she introduced to Joy, who is one of their singers. They are currently in the "getting to know each other" stage. She is not that strict when it comes to dating but she makes sure that her artist isn't involved in any scandal.

"Hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if you ditch her."

Irene teased Seulgi.

"Hey. What's with you anyway? Do you have any rage at her or what?"

She is quite enjoying her friend's reaction. She is not against Joy dating Seulgi either.

"Pfft! Of course not. It is just new to me. Admit it or not, Joy is not your type." Irene explained while they just arrived at their office building.

"Well, it just happened. We can't decide who we might fall in love with."

Irene almost cringed hearing those words from Seulgi. That is very unusual of her. She stopped the car and gave the key to the valet. As they enter the premises, employees start greeting us. They came right away at the recording studio and caught Joy recording her next single. Her smile became wide while singing when she saw Seulgi. Irene rolled her eyes as she saw Seulgi smiling with her big cheeks almost burst.

"Ugh! Record it again." Irene asked one of the people monitoring. Seulgi immediately sulked at the corner when she heard her.

"What's that? Her singing is good." She said while her hand was in thumbs up.

"I'll go to my office. You better go, too. It's not your duty to be here." She told Seulgi.

Then Seulgi sadly waves at Joy who also has a sad face.

Serves you right! Who said you can flirt in my office?

Irene was greeted by Yeri, her secretary at her office and gave her files that needed her signature. As usual, the day just passed and she didn't even notice that it's past eight. She turned off her computer and got her bag.

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