chapter 1

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It's a normal Saturday in Corbyn and Daniel's apartment. Daniel has currently his head rested on Corbyn's chest as the older's asleep, taking a nap.

Daniel and Corbyn have been dating for a couple of months and share almost all their thoughts with the other. They are very cute and soft couple, cuddles being their daily thing. There's still something Daniel hasn't told him. That's because he is confused and not sure about it even himself just yet.

Daniel's pov

I scroll through my phone, watching pictures of me and Corbyn as I listen to his heartbeat and quiet breaths. A happy sigh leaves my lips when I turn to look at my boyfriend who has his mouth slightly open and a strand of blonde hair on his face. He's so beautiful. His freckles, small nose, long eyelashes, soft lips that I love to feel on my skin..
I reach up a bit to brush his hair out his face which causes the older to stir.
"Baby that tickles" Corbyn mutters which makes me giggle and cuddle into his side again. His arm wraps around my body and I smile knowing this is my favorite place to be.


I'm lying on the couch looking through my instagram posts. As a social media influencer I get hate but so does everyone else. The hate comments are not something I can ignore though, they keep bugging me for days.
I read the comments of my new post and soon feel my eyes water. "you just want attention" "ugly" "corbyn doesn't really care about you" "worthless".
Fuck I need Corbyn. It's Wednesday so he's out on his weekly lunch with our close friend Jonah. I can't be a burden and call him now. I see from our friend Jack's story that he and Zach are shopping so I can't bother them either.

I exit my posts and open the tv to distract my toxic thoughts. The first show that pops up is some kids' show which looks cute so I keep watching. The characters are adorable cartoon bears that make me smile and giggle every now and then. I wish I was a kid again.
The warmth of Corbyn's hoodie on me makes me feel safe so I curl up on a ball and get comfy. I love to feel small and wear big hoodies that give me sweater paws. As the show goes on I notice myself calm down and get sleepy and before I know it I've fallen asleep to the corner of the couch.

I wake up to a peck pressed on my nose and as my eyes flutter open I'm met with Corbyn's smiling face close to mine.
"Hey baby" he whispers running his fingers through my hair soothingly.
"Hey Corby" I grin, feeling extremely happy to see the blonde again.
"You're so precious" he chuckles.
I sit up and rub my eyes before making grabby hands and waiting to be picked up. Corbyn bends down and soon I feel his strongs arms around me lifting me up. I love to be on his arms.

"Time for you to eat, precious" he speaks while carrying me to the kitchen. I'm still sleepy so I keep quiet and start playing with his hoodie strings. A yawn leaves my lips so I rest my head onto his shoulder, now tangling my fingers in his fluffy hair.
I feel him lower me onto a chair but I don't feel like letting go of him. I hear him calling my name and trying to get me to sit normally on the chair but I'm lost in my thoughts. Well not even really thoughts. More likely kind of in my own world, almost asleep again.

"Daniii" I snap out of my mind and lift my head to look at him. "We are not falling back asleep now are we?" he smiles and kisses my nose which tickles and makes me giggle. I shake my head no and let him sit me down.
While eating quietly I notice I feel somewhat vulnerable and weird. But I brush it off, I guess I'm just stressed. I'm not some little kid afterall.

•chapter 1 is here! Hope y'all liked it🤍I love to hear y'all being excited about this and it makes me really happy! Hope I won't disappoint you guys🤍

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