chapter 3

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A week has passed and Daniel has been good. No waking up at night, no stressing out, no crying. He has felt safe and happy with Corbyn.
The older has noticed the calm state of his boyfriend. He has helped the younger with more things than usually but neither one of them minds that. Corbyn just wishes he knew what all is going on in Daniel's mind.

Corbyn is out at the mall with Jack and Zach, leaving Daniel home alone. They had planned to have a double date with the other couple but for his sleepiness the younger stayed at home.

"Just go Corby! I'm fine here alone I promise" Daniel had convinced Corbyn who had given the smaller a sweet kiss before leaving the house.

The younger just woke up from his nap, now sitting on bed and watching the sky through the window. He watches white clouds sail slowly, occasionally covering the bright sun making the rays fade from him face. Soon a smile grows on Daniel's lips as he notices a blue butterfly outside the bedroom window.

'It's pretty' he thinks to himself and moves to sit next to the window by a desk. He opens the window and sticks his hand out for the butterfly to soon set down onto it.

"Hello little one" he whispers to it and looks at it closely. A small gasp lets Daniel's lips as the animal flies to sit on his nose. He giggles but soon pouts as the butterfly flies back out to the sky.

Daniel is having no worries at the moment. The small butterfly made him very happy and his mindset positive. He sits down at the desk, grabs a paper and pencil and decides to draw something. The butterfly pops into his mind and the boy starts drawing it, smiling widely.


The younger is so focused that he doesn't hear Corbyn come back home. The blonde boy calls Daniel's name but gets worried as he doesn't hear any answer. 'Could he still be sleeping?' he thinks and continues to walk around in the house. Soon a smile spreads on his lips as he finds his boy sitting by the window in their bedroom holding a pencil.

"Hey baby" Corbyn says quietly, trying not to scare Daniel.
The other drops the pencil and turns around with a big smile, his toothgap showing.
"Corby! I missed you" he runs to Corbyn who's standing at the door of the room. Corbyn smiles at how adorable his boyfriend is and picks him up on his arms.

"Didn't you miss me? You didn't say it back!" Daniel mutters and frowns before burying his face into the older's neck. Corbyn chuckles at him and caresses his face.
"Of course I did, my love."

As he carries Daniel to the couch the older feel his small hands crab the back of his hoodie and soon Daniel lifts his head. His eyes are sparkling more than usually and Corbyn knows something's different. He has no time to question it thought because Daniel starts talking.

"Guess what! I saw a butterfly!" he exclaims with a toothy grin again on his face.
"You did?" the older asks smiling with his arms around Daniel's waist who's sitting on his lap. The younger nods.
"And it sat on my nose! But then it flew away" Daniel pouts. "But it's okay, I drew it!" he continues again.

Daniel takes Corbyn's hand and leads him to their bedroom to show his drawing.
"Buttewfwy!" he speaks softly, baby-like. Corbyn feels his heart melt, adoring the way Daniel acts like a kid sometimes. He runs his fingers through Daniel's hair as he looks at the drawing.
"It's so pretty baby. Just like you" he smiles down at Daniel and kisses his hair.

"My little butterfly" Corbyn whispers with a smile.

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