chapter 13

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3rd pov

It's been around three months since Corbyn and Daniel spent the day with the two others, that day being one of the last days of summer.

The winter is nearing now and Daniel enjoys spending cozy days together with Corbyn, cuddling and watching netflix in bed. The younger has been taking his medicine and slipped into his headspace here and there. Corbyn is always by his side though, helping him through his worst and taking care of him.

It's a cold Saturday morning and Corbyn is waking up in the comfy bed, Daniel's body radiating warmth against his. The older pulls him closer and presses small kisses along the other's jawline and down to his shoulder.

Daniel had been sleepy the day before so Corbyn is expecting him to wake up in headspace. That's why a very soft morning is needed.

Corbyn's pov

"Cowby. Mowning" a quiet voice soon talks and Daniel turns around in my hold. He flashes a smile and nuzzles his face against my bare chest while I lean down to his ear.
"Morning my love" I whisper soothingly. He starts squirming and I know he's getting small panic realizing he's in his headspace.
"Shh shh it's okay baby."

Caressing his waist and letting him lean on my body he calms down quick and accepts being little, the normal consciousness leaving him.
"Danwol wittle" he whispers and looks up at me with an innocent expression on his face. Catching him by surprise I peck his lips and pick him up.


We have finished our morning routines and are now curled under blankets on the couch. Daniel's giggles are heard as we watch princesses, his head rested on my stomach and my fingers running through his silky hair.

"My beautiful princess" I mumble and smile looking down at Daniel, knowing he loves the nickname.
"Pwincess. Wanna be" he mutters back and looks at me. I kiss his forehead and convince he is one already.

"Cowby guess wat" he quickly sits up on my lap. "Miss my famiwy."
"You miss your family? Should we text them?" I ask and grab my phone as the younger nods rapidly before focusing on the tv again.

I text Christian and ask if he's at home with Tyler, soon getting a positive respond. He knows to tell that Anna had told about going to beach with a friend so we'll be going over to Christian and Tyler's only.

"Take my hand, bud" I whisper turning off the tv. Grabbing my hand and squeezing it Daniel pouts "It bettew be impowtant. You put pwincesses away."
"It is. I promise" I say assuring him and head out the house with him, grabbing his teddy from the kitchen counter on the way. Just in case he gets anxious.

We get in my car and I quickly tie a blindfolf on Daniel, making this more exciting for him. I start driving and smile listening to his guesses where I'm taking him.
"To beach?"
"To Jonah and Eben? Or or Zach?"
"No baby, but you will see soon"

15 minutes later I pull up in front of Daniel's brothers' apartment and walk around the car to help him get out. Holding his hand I lead him to the door, him still having no idea where he is.

"Yes Cowby!"

Pulling the door open we step in and soon hear Christian's familiar voice, his hands then working on his little brother's blindfold, letting him see what's going on.

"Chwistian! And and Tylew!" Daniel exclaims and I notice tears form in his blue eyes before he is pulled into a tight hug by both men.
"We heard you missed us" Tyler chuckles and gets a nod from Daniel.
"Well we have missed you a lot little one. It's great to see you."

I watch the three brothers talk with a smile on my face, feeling good to see my boy so happy. Christian lifts his gaze to meet mine and signals to come closer before giving me a hug too.

"Thank you for being such a perfect boyfriend to Daniel" he whispers and I nod telling it's pleasure only to get to call him mine. Tyler comes to hug me too and after that we move to the living room.
I flop down to an arm chair and stare up at the ceiling for a moment.

Soon I feel pressure on my thighs and see Daniel climbing onto my lap, holding his teddy and trying to grab my hoodie with his other hand. Letting out a small laugh I wrap my arms around him, and let him lay on his back against my chest.

After chatting for a while Daniel has fallen asleep.
"Is he asleep?" Tyler questions and I nod while changing his position so that he's straddling me and head on my shoulder.

"Soo.. how has he been?"
"Depends on the day but overall okay. He's little quite often but not always as deep in headspace as today" I speak quietly and notice a smile form on my face as I talk about him, running my fingers through his hair.

"Do y'all do it?" Christian asks which makes us laugh as I nod.
"Yeah every now and then when we are feeling like it."
"How's Daniel then? What if he's in headspace?" the younger of the two brothers continue before Tyler punches him playfully.
"Omg you don't need to know that all."

I chuckle and respond truthfully, finding it easy to talk to his brothers.
"Well-when he's horny he can do literally anything, like put on a show or something. Sometimes he's shy though and likes it soft and fluffy. Sometimes he's a slut for my di-"
"Okay enough!" Tyler quietly yells and we all start laughing, waking the little Daniel up.

"Daddy?" he whispers and my laugh turns to a soft smile. I look up at Tyler and Christian who are trying to control their laugh. My eyes widen as I realize it's about Daniel calling me daddy and let out a chuckle.
"I love you bros" I smile, feeling closer to Daniel's brothers than I did before today.

"And I love you honey" I whisper at Daniel who's looking up at me and rest our foreheads together.

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