chapter 4

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Corbyn's pov


I hear a quiet voice from behind me.
"Baby go to bed, I'll come tuck you in in a minute."
I was on my laptop finishing some work for my new job and didn't realize how late it had gotten.
Shutting my laptop I get up from the couch and walk to our bedroom where the younger had disappeared in. I find him sitting half asleep in the bed holding a teddy.

"Ready to sleep my love?" I speak softly and sit on the edge of the bed. My favorite  pair of blue eyes looks at me and Daniel nods with a smile before a yawn leaves his lips. He lays down and tries to keep his eyes open while I quickly change his sweatpants to shorts and leave his sweater on. Then I pull the blanket over his small body and set the teddy next to his head. By now he looks very sleepy so I lean down to kiss his lips gently and stroke his cheek smiling.
"Good night babyboy. I'll come to bed soon" I whisper, turn the lights off and stand up to leave the room.
"G'night my prince" I hear Daniel's whisper.

It's 12am and been half an hour since Daniel went to sleep. I'm not feeling tired yet so as I sit on the couch in the dark, I zone out and thoughts get the best of me. Am I a bad boyfriend? What if Daniel's feeling bad and I don't notice it? He's been more kid-like lately so is something up? I adore him though.

I remember hearing about ddlb stuff and an idea pops into my mind. Does Daniel have a kid's headspace?
I google 'ddlb' and learn a bit about it for the next 30 minutes until I feel my eyes begin shutting. A few ideas in my mind I walk into our bedroom and climb under the blanket, wrapping Daniel in my embrace and falling asleep.

The next day I decide to take Daniel to the mall and buy anything he wants. I want him to be happy after being down every now and then. Also I want to see what he wants so I can sometime later surprise him knowing what kind of stuff he likes.

"Guess what baby" I speak while eating breakfast.
"Yeah?" he lifts his gaze from his cup of cereal and stares at me excitedly.
"I'm taking you shopping today. And I'll get you whatever you want."
His eyes sparkle as he grins and jumps up to hug me.

I'm taken by a little surprise, of course we hug a lot but his sudden action is more unusual. Not that I mind though, I love hugging Daniel so I pull him close to me, his head against my chest.
"Thank you baby, that's so fun!" he exclaims and kisses my lips before going back to eating his cereal.


We walk hand in hand at the mall, already having entered a few stores without getting anything. Daniel is very mature out in public and also more calm and talkative.
"Forever 21?" I ask and point at the store on the left.
"Yep" Daniel smiles and we enter it.

After a while of walking around Daniel spots a rack of oversized hoodies. He rushes over to them with a soft smile on his pink lips as I walk behind, chuckling at him.
"I want" he points at a lavender colored one which looks very comfortable. I take the hoodie and nod at Daniel who's looking super happy but trying to keep it calm.
Soon we exit the shop with a bag and I give it to Daniel who starts swinging it happily as we continue walking.

An hour later we are in the car, me driving us to home and Daniel sitting next to me with two small boxes of thaifood, shopping bags and a new teddy that was too cute not to buy. As a car in front of us suddenly brakes I do too which causes our foods to fall on the floor, fortunately the boxes staying closed.
"Shit" my boyfriend says with a groan and bends to grab them.

"Don't curse baby."
"I curse if I want to" he huffs which makes me want to chuckle but I keep serious face.
"Throwing a tantrum now, are we? You must be hungry" I speak and steal glances at the frowning boy next to me.
"Shut up I'm not a baby!" he nearly shouts and slaps my thigh. His 'anger' turns to frustration and he lets out a sob.
"Shhh, calm down now honey, we are home in two minutes" I interlace my fingers with his and caress the back of his hand with my thumb so that he calms down after the sudden outburst.

We sit down on couch with our foods and I grab the remote to turn netflix on until I feel a tug on my hoodie sleeve. Daniel's next to me looking at me with a pout on his face.
"I sowwy" he whispers and looks down with tear on his cheek.
"Baby it's okay. I'm not mad. Don't cry" I speak and run my fingers through his hair.
"But- but I slapwed you."
"Don't worry honey. Care to come closer?" I open my arms for him and he curls up on my side and starts eating.
We watch netflix, eat and cuddle and everything's alright again with my boy.

Thank you for commenting on every chapter, they make me happy🥰 love y'all !🤍

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