chapter 9

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3rd pov

"Hold my hand when we cross the street" Corbyn says and soon feels Daniel's fingers tangle with his.

"Jo and Eben!" the younger exclaims and runs to them after getting over the crosswalk. Jonah and Eben smile at the boy as he hugs them both.
"Hi buddy! And hi Corbs."
Without Daniel listening anymore he goes over to the swings and leaves the three older standing there.

"So how's he been?" Jonah asks referring to Daniel. Corbyn smiles a little, still feeling like he is failing with the younger.
"In the morning I was a bit too harsh."
"Ooo y'all freaky" Eben smirks and Jonah slaps him.
"Not like that you idiot."

Meanwhile the three keep chatting, mostly about the youngest, Daniel keeps swinging and giggling to himself. He loves the park and nature because he always sees little birds and butterflies. Daniel finds them very pretty.
"Hi." Daniel hears a voice from besides him and turns to look. There's a boy standing there with a shy smile on his face.

"Hi! Who are you?" Daniel asks smiling and watches the boy sit on the swing next to his.
"I'm Zach, what about you?"
"I'm Daniel! Nice to meet you Zach."
Daniel's smile only widens. He feels like he's going to be good friends with the smaller brunette.

The two talk and get to know each other before a young man walks up to them.
"Zachy baby, it's time to go home" the man talks and turns his gaze to Daniel.
"Hello, who are you?" he kindly asks.
"I'm Daniel, Zach's new friend!" he replies with a toothy grin.
The man introduces himself as Jack, Zach's boyfriend and daddy. They sadly have to go home but before that Daniel takes their hands and drags them over to Corbyn, Jonah and Eben.


"So you made a friend today?" Corbyn smiles as the two talk about the day a few hours later.
"Yes, he seems nice right! And his daddy too" the younger talks, receiving a nod from Corbyn.
"We could spend a day with them next week. Would you like that, beautiful?"
Daniel's eyes spark and he jumps to Corbyn's lap with a "yes!". The older chuckles and ruffles up Daniel's hair before pressing a kiss on his nose.

Daniel falls asleep on Corbyn's lap, the older looking down at him smiling and then getting an idea. He gently moves Daniel on the couch and gets up.

15 minutes later the older comes back in from the balcony and turns around to look how it looks. There's a pile of fluffy blankets, a few pillows, Daniel's teddy bear, a small box of strawberries and led lights on the ground. Corbyn smiles and goes to wake up his baby.

"Honey" he whispers in the dark, kneeling next to the couch. Daniel's eyes flutter open and he looks at the older who's reaching out to caress his cheek.
"Take my hand" he whispers and the younger obeys and is soon led out to the balcony.
"It's so pwetty!" Daniel exclaims and pecks Corbyn's cheek. He has slipped quite deep in his headspace again, propably because it's late already.
"Beaw!" he grins and runs to pick up his teddy.

Corbyn feels his heart melt for the younger as he watches him hug the toy. Corbyn lays down on the blanket, pulls Daniel to his side and grabs the other blankets to wrap around them.
"Do you want strawberries, baby?" he questions and as Daniel nods happily, feeds him a few.
The two lay there, enjoying each other's presence and feeding each other sweet strawberries. As they take eyes off of each other, they turn their gazes up to see a beautiful star sky above them.

"Do you see that bright one there?" Corbyn points to the sky.
"Yea. A staw is it?" Daniel quietly talks.
"It looks like a star but guess what, it's the planet Venus! It's the brightest planet" the older tells and watches his boyfriend look up to the sky.
"Woow" he sighs and giggles. Corbyn smiles again and cuddles closer to Daniel.

At one point Daniel sits up and goes to straddle the other. With his hands sliding up Corbyn's chest and Corbyn's hands gripping the younger's waist, he leans down.
"Wanna.. wanna kiss you Cowby" he mumbles and before Corbyn has time to say anything their lips are connected already. They start making out, both enjoying the feeling of other's lips on their own, small clicks and breaths only being heard.

"My little star" Corbyn mutters against Daniel's lips and slips his hands under his shirt. The younger lets out a quiet whimper, beginning to move his hips back and forth.
"Baby you're making me horny" the older whispers and pulls back. Their eyes lock and Daniel grins biting his lip. They have never had sex when Daniel has been in headspace but this moment seems perfect.

"I want you Cowby."

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