chapter 5

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Corbyn's pov

The smell of delicious pasta fills my nose as I cook it and get it ready to set on plates for me and Daniel. I turn to look over the couch where Daniel is sitting and watching tv with his new teddy. His big hood hides the side of his face and shows only the tuff of soft hair on his forehead. He's watching princesses which melts my heart and so do his quiet giggles I hear every now and then.

"Dani baby the food's ready" I call and watch him look at me with a pout on his face.
"I busy! Can't come now" he huffs and continues watching the tv.

I chuckle and sit down to eat my food, keeping my eyes on Daniel in the living room. Soon I hear the outro start playing and Daniel mutter something so I get up and go turn the princess show off.
"Wanna watch..more" he mumbles and looks at me with sparkling eyes. I pick him up and walk to the kitchen.
"Bub you need to eat first."
"Hungwy" he says which makes me chuckle. I ruffle his hair as I sit him on the chair and give him his plate of pasta.

I watch my precious boy try to eat by himself but the pasta always ends up falling out his fork before he gets it in his mouth. After a minute he frowns and looks up with pleading eyes. He tugs at my hoodie sleeve and I'm pulled on a chair besides him.
"Does my baby need help?" I speak quietly and take his fork. He smiles as I feed him, occasionally making him giggle.

We finish his food and I quickly finish my own too. After getting up and cleaning our plates I notice Daniel still sitting and watching my every move. I smile and walk closer to him, only to boop his nose with my finger and hear his soft laugh. He makes grabby hands so I pick him up again and walk back to the couch.
I put on the next episode of princesses and Daniel's face lights up. He moves to sit between my legs and lays his back against my chest.

"Pwincesses pwetty" he whispers and leans his head back to see my face. I look down at him, peck his lips and wrap my arms around him tighter.
"You are even more pretty. The most beautiful" I whisper in his ear, my chin on his shoulder and my cheek against his.
"I wuv you" he says which makes me smile into his neck. "I wuv you more babyboy."

••••••• 3rd pov

The thunder rumbles and the dark room is lit by a lightning every ten seconds. The two boys are cuddled up under a fluffy blanket in their bed, Daniel's head hidden in Corbyn's hoodie. The younger whimpers with his eyes closed, clearly scared of the thunder.
"Honey, it's only a thunder, it can't get to you, you are safe here" Corbyn whispers and soothingly runs his fingers through Daniel's hair.

The poor boy slowly calms down as Corbyn keeps whispering calming phrases in his ear and giving kisses on his temple. Daniel's whimpers quiet down and he falls asleep in Corbyn's lap.

About 15 minutes later the younger stirs awake with tears in his eyes.
I feel my heart go swoosh for this boy in my lap. This is the first time he seems to really be in headspace, the thunder causing him to slip.
"Is Dani feeling little?" I smile softly and look at him. He looks back with his teary, sparkly eyes and soon a sniffle escapes him.

"I'm here baby, I'm not going anywhere. I'll take care of my little prince" I whisper in his ear and lay down with him on top of me.
"Need daddy" he says quietly. We look at each other, my hands caressing his sides and his tugging at my hair. Soon I feel his lips on mine and I kiss back. We share a gentle, loving kiss before I pull him in a hug and we lie there for hours before drifting off to sleep.

aren't they just the cutest🥺✨

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