chapter 6

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Daniel's pov

Rays of sun hit my face and my eyes flutter open. I feel kind of weird, very calm and sleepy. Like in a bubble. My mind is in headspace and I feel safe there, only things in my mind being Corbyn and positive thoughts. With a smile on my face I look down at my boyfriend's fit arms around my waist, hiding under my sweater. He makes me feel safe, I feel at home when he's with me.

Last night comes into my mind, not remembering much about it though. I frown when I think about the thunder that scared me, but what happened after that... I feel like my mind is clouded. I guess I just fell asleep.
My frown turns into a smile as my eyes fall on my teddy bear next to my pillow.
"Good mowning Beaw" I whisper and hug it.

"You awake baby?" a raspy, quiet voice speaks in my ear and soon a hand caresses the skin of my waist.
"I am, Cowby" I whisper and notice that speaking is more difficult. Corbyn turns me around so I'm facing him and kisses my forehead.
"How are you feeling my love? Last night was maybe a little rough" he asks with a soft smile on his face.
"Feel safe and alwight s long s I'm wift daddy."
"Is Dani feeling little?" his smile widens and I look up at him and nod.
"Danwol wittle."

We stay under the warm blanket for an hour, legs tangled and bodies close to each other's. Corbyn is on his phone texting with Jonah and I play with Bear until it's time for breakfast.
"Does Bear want breakfast too?" Corbyn asks, referring to my teddy. I nod and grab it with me as I follow Corbyn in the kitchen.
Sitting on my boyfriend's lap I munch a toast me made me, pretending to give some to my teddy who's sat on the table.

Soft tufts of blonde hair tickle my neck as Corbyn puts his chin on my shoulder, making me giggle.
"Gosh your giggle is the cutest thing ever baby" he mumbles and kisses my cheek. I blush and think 'i love my daddy'.

••••••• 3rd pov

"Dani c'mon now" Jonah huffs, taking Daniel's hand. The two were spending a day together since Corbyn was at work and didn't want to leave Daniel home alone.
Daniel and Jonah were currently at a grocery store getting ingredients for cookies and Daniel was being stubborn.
"I want coca cola!" he frows.
"No Dani. It has too much sugar, we are taking ice coffees" the older tried to convince.
"No!" Daniel says loudly and slaps Jonah's hand, gaining attention and making the older embarrassed.

Jonah ended up buying the younger coca cola so he would shut up and not hate the older. They got everything they needed for the cookies and just now arrived to Jonah's apartment where he lives with Eben.
"Eben!" Daniel exclaims and runs to hug the blonde sitting on couch.
"Hey buddy" he smiles and ruffles up Daniel's hair.

Jonah watches them smiling, remembering when Corbyn texted him about Daniel. The oldest has been a close friend of the couple for long and knows Daniel can get anxious easily. He finds the young boy adorable when he's in his headspace, no matter if only a little bit or deep in.
"Hey Ebs, we are baking cookies, wanna join?" Jonah talks smiling at his best friend. Eben smiles back and nods, getting off the couch with Daniel.

Half an hour later they get the cookies into the oven and jump on the couch.
"What do you wanna watch bud?" the olders look down at Daniel who's sitting between them.
"Bawe beaws!"
"We Bare Bears?" Jonah chuckles and turns the show on.

They watch it, Daniel enjoying it obviously the most but also Jonah being happy the younger is pleased.
At one point Eben gets up to check the oven and taking the cookies out, seeing they are done. The three boys eat their cookies, save a few for Corbyn and continue watching the movie until Daniel gets sleepy.
"I wanna Corby" he mumbles leaning his head on Eben's shoulder.
"He's still at work, only about half an hour though. Then you can see him."

"I want Corby now!" the youngest shoots up, making the other two jump.
"Why don't you take a nap and when you wake up he's off work already?" Jonah talks soothingly and runs his fingers through Daniel's soft hair. He pouts and shakes his head 'no'.
Jonah sighs and texts Corbyn asking if he's home soon. After getting a reply "in 10 minutes" he picks Daniel up and walks to the car.

"You get to Corbyn now. Calm down okay?" Jonah looks at Daniel who has tears in his eyes.
"Gonna miss Eben" he mumbles and closes his eyes.
"You can meet him soon again. Now we are going home buddy."

"Take him Corbyn" Jonah gives him Daniel who he was carrying. Corbyn chuckles and wraps his arms around his boyfriend.
"He was a little stubborn today" the oldest says with a chuckle.
"I wasn't" Daniel mutters into Corbyn's neck.
"Um you slapped me and yelled in public" Jonah says, making Corbyn laugh.
"Well we will go chill now, thank you bro" Corbyn smiles and gives Jonah a hug.
"No problem, it was fun. See you Corbs and bye bub" Jonah ruffles the youngest's hair and leaves the house.

"Hi baby. Did you have fun with Jo?"
"Yea, we watched Bawe beaws wift Eben!" Daniel grins.
"That's fun!" the older smiles and lays down on the couch.
"How wowk?" Daniel asks and climbs on top of Corbyn, laying his head on the older's chest.
"Work was alright but I missed my little bubba bear" he kisses the top of Daniel's hair.
"I missed daddy but now wanna cuddles!"

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