Chapter XXV

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

As soon as we were brought in they took us to the medical wing. The Doctor there had us strip so she could take a look at our automail and put a hot towel on the flesh connected to said automail. I luckily wore a tank top under my layers of other clothing.

"Exposure?" Ed questioned.

"Yeah, you both are lucky. If you stayed out there any longer you would have gotten frostbite. Out here, after trial and error we came up with a different type of automail." The doctor explained then listend the elements in the northern automail.

"Hey doc, are you just going to give them all our secrets?" The burely man came walking out from the room next to us.

"Well why shouldn't I? They are both state alchemists." The Doctor said. Ed and I pulled out our pocket watches and the man looked shocked but still pissed off. Maybe he just had like a bad case of resting bitch face? The doc brought Ed and I coffee. I wasn't all too fond of coffee so I just held the warm cup in my hands, warming up my fingers. (If you like coffee then you drink it and pay the good doctor 100 cens)

As they were all talking the General came walking in, telling Ed not so nicely to shut up while insulting him. I slid my shirt and coat on, keeping my goggles around my neck and never taking my mask off. Even if the Homonculi know who I am, doesn't mean I have to let any one else know. Being the Crimson Karma Alchemist included being mysterious and vague.  Everyone stopped talking when Al screamed.

"My hair!" Al cried. Since Al's um, hair was used to jam the larger officers automail in the end it was simply cut off, leaving Al saddened. I walked over and pat his armored back.

"It doesn't look all that bad." I said, trying to be reassuring. The General took us to another room and started her interrogating. She asked the boys questions to which they couldn't answer then she looked at me. I stood there with my eyes closed but I could instantly feel her cold stare.

"And you, Crimsom Karma Alchemist. What secrets do you keep?" The General asked. I smirked under my mask and gave her a side glance.

"I hold many but sadly none that I wish to share with you." I said almost in a teasing manner. I saw her grip grow tighter around the sword she held in her hands.

"I believe I have heard of you before. Yes, that pig Colonel Mustang's pet." Her words irked me.

"Yeah, yeah, like I haven't heard it before. It is going to take more than that to set me off like the pipsqueek." I said crossing my arms. In a flash that possibly no normal person could see the General stood drawing her sword trying to cut off my mask. I smirked, clapping my hands making a fiery blade. The still hot metal clashed against her thin sword, threatening to melt the metal easily.

"Being forceful won't help you one bit General. If you want information simply call up you brother and ask. He and I are good friends." I said removing my sword, letting it melt away back into raw materials. The General went and sat down, resuming her questions.

Once we were done with questions she put us to work. Major Miles lead us to where we needed to go.

"So if everyone has secrets around here, what is yours?" Ed asked getting no response. "Come on, it isn't fair for you guys to ask all the questions and not us! Ed said pouting slightly. Tue Major turned towards us then took off the shades he was wearing. Revealed to us were his red eyes.

Crimson Karma Alchemist- Edward Elric X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now