Chapter XXXII

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open at the shine of the moonlight. I didn't know what time it was but it felt like it was time to get up. I wiggled my way out of the sleeping Edward's arms and grabbed my pocket watch. It was one in the morning.

I walked downstairs and over to the workshop. Seeing a light still on. Winry was oiling down my arm as I walked in.

"Hey Karma! Just finished up this beauty. Wanna try it on?" Winry asked holding up the piece of automail. I nodded lying back down on the table while Winry connected the nerves of my arm. I winced a little at the pain but it quickly vanished.

Something felt off about my arm but it didn't have anything to do with the automail. My shoulder where the machinery was attached felt odd. It didn't hurt per say but it felt tingly.

"Thank you so much Winry. It feels great." I said giving her a smile.

"How about we get you some new clothes?" Winry asked while pulling me with her. I kinda figured either way she would try and dress me up so I just said yes. We walked up to her room and Winry started going through her mounds of clothing. Winry threw a few pieces of clothing on the bed deciding what would look good on me. I scanned over the clothing and saw a nice looking coat, trenchcoat to be specific. I walked up and grabbed it, trying it on.

I heard Winry clap in approved with a smile on her face. "That looks great on you Karma! Now we just have to find the right outfit." Winry said going back to digging. The trenchcoat was more fitted for my form, hugging my curves softly. It looked a little more old fashioned than my last one but it looked great.

The final result after trying on many items of clothing was a black button up with a grey loose fitting V neck tank top underneath along with my normal black trousers. I flicked the color of my button up shirt upwards and put on my mask.

"Wow, I think this looks amazing!" Winry said with her mouth gaped open. Winry accessorized my look with a dark brown leather belt to go with my boots and a pair of black leather gloves. Honestly I probably look like a badass now.

"You definitely know more fashion than I do. I appreciate it." I said.

"No problem, a girl has to look good while kicking butt right?" Winry said. I snickered at what she said and nodded in agreement. I pulled out my pocket watch to check the time. It was two-thirty now.

"I am going to go check on Ed, thank you again. For everything." I said then did the unexpected and hugged Winry.

"We are going to stop the people in Central. I will not allow them to take anymore from me and everyone else. I am going to throw my life on the line if that is what it takes. I promise you." I said and left the hug.

Winry grabbed my arm before I left. "Please, come back alive. I want you to come back safe and sound just as much as I want Ed and Al to come back." Winry said in a stern tone. I looked at her with soft eyes. That was a promise I wouldn't be able to keep, or at least guarantee. Winry let go of my wrist and I walked back to the room I am sharing with Ed.

As I closed the door, Ed stirred a bit. I pulled down my mask as Ed started to wake up. I leaned over him and kissed his cheek, causing him to wake up more. Ed smirked at me with slightly closed eyes and scooted over so I could sit on the bed next to him.

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