Naomi Aisaka

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(Lol the pic does not match the title)

It is Monday morning and I had to get dressed for school as I was getting out of bed my phone dinged it was Haruka-San.
Yo you awake yet?
                                                                   𖠌  𝕐/𝕟 𖠌
Ok well get ready I am outside!
U got on your uniform and went down stairs to let Haruka in. You open the door and Haruka was standing there on her phone.
"Haruka come in I have to make my bento."
Haruka jumped and turned around to walk in
"Hey Y/n, pardon the intrusion."
I walk over to the kitchen why Haruka sits on the couch I make my bento and wrap it up. Haruka got and walked to the door and put her shoes while I did the same I said bye to my moms and left.
~le time a skipu :/~

After arriving at school with Haruka I saw a familiar blondie walking in front of us with a boy who also looked very familiar 'hmmm~ who is that boy next to beam pole he looks so familiar?' You thought but couldn't figure it out. As you got closer and they where more clear you saw that it was Yamaguchi the beam pole's friend that always hangs around him, how I already know his don't ask because I don't know either. We walked in to the school and me and Haruka head for the music club. As we were on are way we saw Sakura and Yuu, " Ohayo Yuu-kun and Sakura-san!" They turned around and spotted us "Ohayo Y/N." Sakura waved with a big smile, Yuu did the same. We walked to the club and when we got there Mori and Charla were there and Mori was playing the piano while Charla played the violin "Hey guys." Haruka said while walking in. "Hi pres!" They said in unison, " JINKS, JINKS AGAIN," they said in unison but Mori won and Charla pouted I could see Mori was blushing slightly but I ignored it because he could just think she looked adorable because she did.
-time skip to class because I am lazyyyyyy-
At class you were sitting down looking out the window with your earbuds in listening to some anime ops when you felt someone tap your shoulder it was a girl who was about 162.56 cm(5'4 u welcome) she had shoulder length hair that was platinum blonde and was wearing makeup that didn't look good but not bad either she stood over with a evil glare for some reason " Yes how may I help you?" I said with a straight face. " Yes you can help me by staying away from my boyfriend." '??'I was confused I had no idea what she was talking about till she said something else. "Tsukishima stay away from him." After she said that I was like oooh. "Ok I will but if he was you're boyfriend you would have called him Kei but you didn't so that tell's me you are not his girlfriend," I said and as soon as I finish Tsukishima walked with his headphones on the girl turned around and ran up to him "Tsukiiiii!" She squealed which I whispered"Shut up," and put my earbud in and stared back out the window when I paused my music I could here the girl talking to Tsukishima "So Tsukishima how was your practice did you have fun? Can I come to your next practice?!" She exclaimed "It was good and no you can't come Naomi." Tsukishima said with a deadpanned face I snickered and they both turned to me and I turned around really quickly but I could feel death stares at my head from Naomi and I just ignored it.

Later while I was eating lunch under the Sakura tree I heard somebody walking u from behind I turned around to find Naomi walking towards me she had some milk in one hand and honey in the other 'why does she have milk and honey? Weirdo.'I thought as she got closer she spoke up and said "Next don't snicker at u bxtch!" and poured the honey and milk on me I flinched and turned around looking at while she was grinning then she flipped me home and walked away. I sighed and walked to the bathroom but on my way I saw Tsukishima 'dammit I don't want him to see me!' so I tried to hide but he saw "Hey shorty!" he yelled while walking over I sighed and waved "What happened to you?" he said and looked at me. " Naomi poured milk and honey on me." He stared for a sec then said "Wait Naomi Aisaka?" " Yes her," I then walked towards the restroom and washed my head and hands "Dammit you stupid girl."

Sorry it's short I have writers block and I need to go to bed because I have high school softball practice but hope you guys like it 😋

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