Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Harry's POV*

"You're sure that you're definitely going to be okay?" I pressured Zoe, for the last time as she got out of the car. She went to grab her suitcase from the boot of the car, but I rushed to do it for her.

"Remember what I said Zoe, don't strain yourself by doing too much," I warned her seriously, and she just shrugged.

"But I'm just going to be so bored, sitting around all day doing nothing," she pouted, and I wrapped my arms around her, and her very expanded stomach.

"I know babe, but you'll be thankful for it when the baby's born. You won't get a seconds rest for months!" I joke with her, and she laughed before pecking me on the cheek.

"Now go quickly, before I change my mind!" I told her, hugging her for the final goodbye. I stood and leant on the car as I watched her safely enter the house, then turn around to wave at me. I waved back.

Then she closed the door and I got back in my car, and started driving again. I got about half way up the road, then I began to miss her. I felt like turning straight back around, and picking her up again, then never letting her go. But I couldn't, unfortunately. I had a job to get to.

It's now nearing the end of March. Me and Zoe have settled in well into our new house, and have managed to get nearly everything ready for when Avery comes home. If you have a good memory, and are got at maths, you'll have figured out that Zoe is now about 8 months pregnant. It'll only be a matter of weeks until she finally gives birth.

And I have to go all the way to Glasgow. Why must my management do this to me? They know how close the due date it, and still make us go all the way to Scotland to promote our new album. I guess it's just they're way of getting back at me. I still don't think they've gotten over the idea of me being a 'dad'. They're just going to have to accept it, because it's the truth.

Being so far away from her is really going to hurt both of us. We haven't been apart for much more than a couple of hours for ages, and now I have to leave for a whole week. She's promised me that she's going to be fine, but I don't trust her one bit. At least she's staying with her Mum, she'll keep her in check for me. I hope. Those two are both as bad as each other sometimes.

*Zoe's POV*

"Muuuum, please? Just for like, 10 minutes. It won't do any harm!" I begged my mother, but she was not budging.

"No way! I promised Harry that I'd look after you, and he's put you under house arrest! I'm sorry, I just can't let you.." She told me, regret evident in her eyes.

I sighed in frustration, before heading back into the lounge and flopping on the sofa. I know that they are both just trying to look after me, and make sure that everything goes fine with the baby and stuff, but I'm one of those people who get extremely rest if I'm doing... well, nothing.

It's been 3 days. 3 whole days I've been stuck in this house, and I'm beginning to get sick of it. I'm not asking for much, I just want to go to the park to play with my little sister. But oh no, that's far to dangerous, for someone in 'my condition.' Annie's perfectly capable of looking after herself though, all I want is some fresh air.

"If you really want to, you can nip down to the corner shop and get me some eggs. Then you can help me make tea tonight," my Mum finally caved, after seeing me with such a frown on my face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed, getting up as quick as humanly possible for being the size I am.

I waddled up the stairs, and got dressed proparly, before shoving on my boots and heading out.

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