Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Sophie's POV*

I stood nervously in the hotel room looking out of the window to try and calm me down, clutching the bouquet of flowers in my hand as if my life depended on it. My head turned sharply towards the door as it squeaked open, before Zoe entered, looking flustered.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong" I asked concerned, dreading that something bad had happened that would ruin my special day.

"Nothing, everything's fine. We're just running a bit late, that's all. We need to leave right now though," she informed me.

I had been waiting for this day for months, but now it was finally here I was getting rather nervous. What if Liam changed his mind because he's realised I'm not good enough for him, and left me at the alter? I know my fears are stupid, but I can't help but worry. I'm just a normal teenage girl from Doncaster, how did this happen to me? The past year and a bit has taught me that no dream is ever too far away, and to never give up on something, even if it seems impossible. Life is full of lots of twists and turns, and you never know whats going to happen next. I guess that's what makes the unexpected things even more special.

"Come on Sophie, are you ready to become Mrs Payne?" Zoe joked, grabbing my free hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. All I could do was nod lightly as I began to feel clammy with all the nerves.

I still can't believe that out of everyone in the whole wide world, Liam had picked me. Me. There are so many other prettier, smarter girls out there, but he cares more about what's on the inside, rather than the outside, and that's one of the many reason I love him and can't wait to make him officially mine.

"You'll be fine, you look beautiful by the way," she assured me and I grinned.

The date had been set so that it was a while after the proposal. This meant that everything could be planned perfectly, and would give us enough time to finalise the details even with Liam's very hectic schedule. I had spent endless hours trying to find the perfect dress and when I saw this one, I feel in love with it straight away. It was a white, strapless dress, with a tight bodice which had been embroidered with small, interlocking flowers, a thin gold band of fabric around my middle, and then a flowing skirt that went down to just past my knees. It was simple, but stunning nonetheless.  Zoe, Shauna and Danielle all helped me do my hair and make-up and I thought they did a remarkable job.

"Thank you," I said gratefully, before engulfing her in a quick hug.

Everyone always thought that Liam would get married first, be the one to settle down and start a family before the others because he was the most serious. I guess they were right about at least one of them. The fans were almost as excited as me for the wedding, but I know some will be disappointed that Liam will be off the market for good. I never thought that I would be getting married this young, that I would ever find someone that loved me as much as I loved them. But I know that this is going to last forever, and I wouldn't have it any other way

When I set foot into the church, everyone turned to stare at me and all conversations ceased. I blushed a bit as I kept walking, my destination the man standing beside the alter looking as handsome as ever. There was lots of commotion going on around me, but all I concentrated on was his beautiful eyes staring lovingly towards me.

Behind me came the bridesmaids, Zoe and Danielle and of course my cute little flower girl Avery. Everyone awed as she walked in, holding her mummy's hand and smiling broadly. She was still really young, so she didn't really understand what was happening, but she looked like she was having lots of fun, which was a good thing. All three of them had on similar dresses, which were a gold colour to match the band on my dress and white shoes. Avery also had on a cute little tiara, they all looked absolutely beautiful.

Each step I made, brought me one step closer to my future and all the nerves seemed to disappear the further down the aisle I went.

I passed Shauna and Niall sitting in the second row, and she gave me a quick thumbs up. I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Shauna was supposed to be a bridesmaid too, but being 8 and a half months pregnant, she could go into labour any day. Anyway, she said that we wouldn't be able to find a dress that would fit her properly and didn't think that she's suit any. Shauna and Niall couldn't wait to have mini Horans running around the place. I can tell that they are going to make amazing parents, just like Harry and Zoe, and hopefully that will be me and Liam some time soon.

I finally reached the alter and stood grinning beside Liam, waiting for the minister to begin the ceremony.

"You look beautiful Sophie," Liam whispered sincerely in my ear, and I knew he meant it with all his heart.

After we had exchanged rings, and said our vows, the minister said the words I've been waiting to hear ever since I woke up this morning. The words I've wanted to hear since Liam proposed. The words I've wanted to hear ever since I realised that I was in love with Liam.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride!"

The crowd began to cheer and wolf whistle as Liam bent down to my height and captured my lips with his. 

A/N- Sorry for the long, long wait! I've just been really busy with stuff to do with school, and I'm very lazy. Only 1 more chapter left and I promise you won't have to wait as long for this one! Please keep voting/commenting/fanning I really appreciate everyone who's still reading this. Thank you :)

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