Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

*Zoe's POV*

"Alright then Zoe. I think that's everything you need now. If you have any problems feel free to call or drop in," the Doctor informed me, handing me some last minute leaflets and pamphlets.

"Thank you very much," I replied, stuffing the paper into my coat pocket and making a mental note to read them when I get home.

I turned around and saw Harry standing by the door, with Avery held securely in his arms. The Doctor walked over to them and said her goodbyes, before leaving the room.

"Are you ready?" Harry called to me, adjusting his arms so Avery would be more comfortable.

"Yeah, I'm just coming," I told him, as I picked up my bag off of the bed.

Today, we were finally getting to leave the hospital. Avery was just over two weeks old now, and the Doctor came to the conclusion that she was now ready to go home. I was extremely glad, as I don't think I could have managed any longer stuck in a hospital bed, eating hospital food.

But, except for a few things, I realised that hospitals aren't really all that bad. The night after Avery was born, we were both moved to the premature babies ward so she could be looked after, but we would be able to stay together. There, I met a couple of other new mothers in the same boat as me. I must admit, none of them were as young, but they were lovely all the same. There was this one girl called Sarah, who had had twins, but they were 6 weeks premature. They've been in hospital for about a month now, and she's still there. She wasn't allowed to hold one of them until about a week ago, because she was so small and delicate. Sarah promised to keep in touch, and I think it'll be good for Avery to have some little friends to play with when she gets older.

"Here we are," Harry told me, stopping in the middle of the car park. I gently took the baby from him, as he fumbled about in his pockets for the car keys.

"Got them," he exclaimed a couple of minutes later, pressing the button to unlock the car.

Harry is a very organised person when he wants to be, so the baby car seat that we previously bought was already strapped in the car and ready to use. I placed Avery down carefully, and did up the seatbelt, checking several times that it was secure. Now we were on our own and didn't have the nurses telling us what to do all the time, I felt a bit anxious.

"Come on Zoe, she'll be fine. Stop worrying and get it the car!" He said to me, rolling his eyes at how paranoid I am.

"Do you mind if I sit in the back with her, just in case something happens?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"Anything to keep your mind at rest," he said.

We returned back to our new house in about 20 minutes, and as I suspected, Avery was completely fine. She even fell asleep about half way through the journey.

Harry had been keeping the house in check whilst we were in the hospital, and I must say that he did an excellent job. Everything was just as we left it, maybe even cleaner. He'd even found time to go to my Mum's house and collect all my belongings that were still there from when I stayed with her.

"I have a surprise for you," he told me, picking up the bags from the boot of the car and then grabbing my hand.

"Oh, what is it?" I asked him, excitement evident in my voice. Harry was too nice to me sometimes.

"Just follow me and I'll show you," he said, unlocking the front door and dragging us into the hallway and up the stairs.

One hand was clutched onto Harry's, and my other one was holding onto Avery as I balanced her on my hip. As we ventured up the stairs, she woke up from her little nap, and as usual, she didn't cry. The nurses told us that it was a blessing, and that we had one very well behaved child. She only cried when she needed something, like food or a clean nappy, but apart from that she was quite content with exploring her surroundings and making cute little gurgling noises.

We walked past our bedroom, and the bathroom, and finally stopped outside Avery's nursery.

"I hope you like it, it took me quite a while," he told me, as he swung the door open and led me inside.

I spotted it right away, and stopped dead in the middle of the room.

"It's beautiful!" I told him sincerely.

"I'm glad you like it, I saw something similar to it online and thought I'd give it ago. I didn't think it would turn out as well as it did though."

On the light purple wall opposite the window, Harry had painted Avery's name in large, silver letters and surrounded it by little flowers. The cot that we had bought for her was white, but had flowers on it similar to the painted ones, and silver ribbon bows tied to the corners. Else where it the room there was a small wardrobe containing the many outfits that I had already picked out for her, and a toy box which was empty just now, but I'm sure it won't stay like that for long.

"It's perfect," I said, leaning in to give him a well deserved hug.

*Liam's POV*

"Did you really mean what you said, about wanting kids?" I asked Sophie, as we lay together on her sofa, just watching a film on the TV.

"Of course I did, but I don't want them for a while." She told me, sitting up.

I don't know why, but it had been bothering me ever since the day in the hospital. People always said I'd been a great Dad, but I never thought I'd find someone who wanted to have kids with me. I guess that was before I became part of the biggest boy and in the world though.

"I want to wait until after the wedding. A pregnant bride isn't very attractive, is it?" She said seriously.

"You'd look attractive what ever size you were," I told her sincerely, and she blushed and looked away.

I grabbed her chin, so she had no choice but to look me in the eye.

"You're beautiful, and you always will be. Don't let anyone tell you any different," I said, before leaning in and kissing her gently. After a while, the kiss became more heated, but I pulled away before I got too distracted.

"I was thinking about the wedding the other day actually..." I said casually, trying to make what I was about to say sound not very important.

"And I've set a date, at that church you were looking at that's near your Gran's house!" I announced, and I saw her sigh in relief.

"Is that okay?" I asked her when she didn't say anything, worried that she had changed her mind about the venue.

"Yes, it's more than okay. It's amazing, thank you!" She said, giving me a chaste kiss.

"I thought for a minute that you were going to call it off, that you didn't want to marry me anymore," she admitted, trying to fake a laugh but I could see the pain behind her eyes.

"Sophie, why would I ever do that? You need to stop thinking things like that, it's not good for you. I'm never going to leave you, never in a hundred million years. You're mine forever now, and I won't let you leave. Your stuck with me now," I said, trying to lighten the mood a bit, and I guess it worked because a natural laugh escaped her lips.

"So, when is it?" She asked me, bouncing up and down excitedly.

"Christmas Day," I told her, grinning.

A/N- Sorry its rubbish, but I just wanted to update. Please keep voting and commenting etc it means a lot! Only a couple more chapters left :O I will try to update at least once or twice before I go back to school in a week. Thank you all for reading :)

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