Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Liam's POV*

I straightened my tie and fixed my hair, as I stood in the bathroom looking into the mirror. Tonight, me and the boys, and Zoe were going to a film premiere. As usual, I was the one ready first and waiting for everyone to get organised. It was half past 6, and we would be leaving in about 15 minutes.

"Liam, hurry up in there!" I heard Zayn shout from the hallway, banging his fists impatiently on the door.

"I coming, just give me a second!" I replied, checking myself over once more just to be sure, before exiting.

"Zayn!" I shouted, as I laid eyes on the scruffy boy in front of me. He was still in his joggers and his hair was all over the place, as we just lounged around doing nothing all day, so none of us had bothered to get ready this morning.

"We're leaving soon, I told you to start getting changed about half an hour ago!" I scolded, hitting him playfully across the head.

"Sorry Dad, I'll make sure I do what I'm told next time," he joked, feigning regret.

I just laughed, as he locked the bathroom door behind him. Sometimes I get annoyed having to look after the other 4 boys all of the time, especially when they act like they're about 5 years old, but sometimes it can be pretty amusing.

I wandered through to the living room where the rest were waiting, who had obviously taken my advice earlier and were ready like me. Zoe looked stunning in a teal coloured, knee length, floating dress, and Harry had on a matching bow-tie. They made an amazing couple, and suited each other perfectly.

"Is everyone ready then?" I asked as I entered, and they all nodded enthusiastically. We didn't get to go to many of these often, so it was a real honour and lots of fun, when we did.

"Yeah buddy, I can't wait!" Said Niall. The film we were going to see was Men In Black 3, and he couldn't wait to see it.

Finally, Zayn was ready, and we all piled into the limo that Simon had provided for us. On one side was me, Niall and Louis, and opposite us sat Harry, Zoe and Niall. Zoe kept smoothing out invisible creases on her dress, and glancing down at her stomach every so often. I guess she just wants to make sure she looks nice, as there will be a lot of press and photographers there. Also, it's the first time she's been seen out with Harry, or any of us for that matter, in public for quite a while, so she'll want to make a good impression on the fans.

The journey didn't take that long, and the night was cool and cloudless. The sun was just setting as we stepped out onto the red carpet, only 23 minutes late. I just had time to glance around my surroundings, before the flashbulbs began firing at us from all directions, along with the shouting and confusion.

*Zoe's POV*

I was getting more and more nervous the closer we got to the movie theatre. What if someone noticed, or guessed, that I was pregnant? Then what would we do? I wouldn't be able to lie to the press, I can't lie to save my live. Harry kept trying to reassure me that no one would, as I wasn't showing much yet. It just looked like I had been snacking too much lately on the chocolates. We'd have to decided what to do soon, it would only be another month or so before I start showing proparly.

I wasn't taking any chances though, so I wore the least tight dress that I could find. I still kept constantly checking to see if a bump was noticeable. The rest of the boys haven't said anything yet, so I assume they don't know, and they're around me 24/7 when they're not working, so I doubt a camera man, several feet away from me is going to guess in the few short minutes we will be outside.

"Come on Zoe, we're here!" An excited Irish accent called out to me, and I hurriedly unbuckled my seat belt. The quicker I get out, the quicker it will be over.

I felt Harry grab my hand, and drag me in the right direction. I tried to smile, and keep my eyes open, so that any pictures that were published tomorrow morning didn't look like they had a demented gorilla in them. But it was extremely difficult, with millions of flashes making me blink instinctively. Also, the amount of noise was deafening. People were screaming questions at us in unison, and it was impossible to distinguish one single question from all of the others.

Suddenly, we stopped infront of a TV presenter, who's job was obviously to interview all of the celebrity guests. Lucky bitch. I realised that it was just me and Harry left, the others must have already been spoken to, and headed inside.

"Welcome everyone, to Harry Styles, and his beautiful girlfriend Zoe!" She introduced us to the camera, and I blushed a little. Nobody has ever said I was beautiful before, except Harry and Sophie, and they don't count. I'm not vain, but I can't say it didn't make me feel good.

"So, are you guys looking forward to the film?" She asked, and I let Harry do all of the talking. I didn't know if this was being broadcast live, or being pre-recorded, so I didn't want to have the chance of making a fool of myself.

The interviewer didn't have that much time with us, so she only got to ask us a few questions.

"Right last one, is it true that you're pregnant Zoe, and that Harry is planning to propose during Christmas?" she asked, and my jaw dropped.

They couldn't know, it was impossible. I vaguely heard Harry reply angrily saying that it was total rubbish, to put it nicely, before we were ushered through the open doors by a security guard.

Instead of following the rest of the crowd into the designated screen, Harry pushed me into an empty store room, and shut the door behind us to make sure no one interrupted us.

"Zoe calm down. Breathe.." He instructed. He knows me too well.

I want to shout at him, tell him how I can't be calm, but no words seemed to come out.

"They don't know Zoe. They can't. It's just rumours, and speculation. They do it all the time. Remember when they said that Zayn had knocked up a girl back in Bradford? Or when there was pictures of Niall out drinking with his cousin, and they said that they were dating? They're just trying to get a reaction from us, so they can get a good headline to sell their papers. If we don't react, then they can't do anything, okay?"

I nodded, realise how much I had over-reacted. I had to keep myself under control if I didn't want anyone to become suspicious. It's not my fault I constantly worry about every single thing there is to worry about. I always have to have plans, know what I'm doing and when, and this has just pushed that right out of the window. Nothing to do with having a child was planned, and I can't be like that anymore.

"I'm okay Harry, sorry about that, just me being silly as always," I aplologised, reaching out for the door handle, but his hand stopped me from turning it.

"No Zoe, you're not being silly, I'm just as worried as you. I just don't show my emotions as easily as you, and I can't be read like an open book, like you," He told me.

"Hey, I'm not that bad!" I defended, but he just gave me a skeptical look.

"Zoe, you can't lie to me!" He reminded, and I sighed, knowing I was defeated.

"It's not my fault!" I claimed, as we made our way back to the rest.

The film had just started as we slipped into the back of the theatre unnoticed. We settled down to enjoy the film, all my worries forgotten, well for tonight at least.

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