Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Zoe's POV*

Thankfully, after Harry and I's little tweeting session, management seemed to be under the impression that everything was okay. For now at least. It's kind of died down a bit, after all, it has been over a week. We got a fair amount of hate and bad judgement over the first few days from people on the internet, but then they must of found some other poor soul to pick on instead. I'm sure that when Avery is actually born it will all re-surface, but I'm not too worried about that at the moment. The Directioners haven't forgotten about it though. Every day we get thousands of tweets about the subject, and there's always a couple of trends. I can imagine what they will be feeling. Not even a year ago I would have been ecstatic for them, but now I'm actually in that position. It still feels rather weird.

It was now nearing close to Christmas, only a couple of more weeks. The boys are finishing up their tour here in America, then we'll all be heading back to Britain. Well everyone except Jocelyn. I was going to miss her loads, we had become so close. She had come maternity clothes shopping with me, and we even got some Christmas presents while we were at it. She promised that she would keep in touch will all of us, and that she would come and visit whenever she could.

"Zoe, can you go get me a bottle of water please?" A voice broke me out of my little daydream.

"Yeah, sure babe," I replied to Harry, scraping my chair across the floor and rising from my seat.

The boys were at a signing in another shopping centre, and they had been going at it for a couple of hours now. I was just sitting here bored, but they were enjoying making so many fans happy, so I couldn't really complain.

"Does anyone else want anything?" I offered, looking down the table. They all shook their heads. All except Niall, of course.

"Can you get me something from McDonalds pleeaaase Zoe?" He begged, giving me the puppy dog eyes that no one could resist.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed. It meant I had to go to the other end of the third floor, and we were on the bottom, but we couldn't have our little Nialler getting hungry, could we?

"Thank you so much Zoe! But be quick, I haven't eaten since breakfast!" He told me.

"Niall, that was only like, 3 hours ago!" Liam said, shaking his head in disbelief and Niall just laughed.

"Okay guys, I'll be back soon," I stated.

"Do you want anyone to come with you, Paul maybe?" Harry asked, obviously concerned for me and baby Avery.

"Don't worry, we'll both be fine," I promised him, before giving him a quick hug (which received a loud aww from the waiting crowds of people) before I headed off.

It took me only a few minutes to acquire Harry's water, but Niall's food was going to take me a bit longer. The queue at McDonalds was quite long, even though it was only about 11 o'clock in the morning. I waited in line, and fortunately no one recognised me. Or if they did, they didn't approach me, which I was thankful for. Finally, I reached the cashier and I ordered Niall's large meal, as well as some chips for me as well. I was eating for two now.

I made my way back towards where the boys were, idly munching on my chips.

Suddenly, I stopped dead, only metres from my desired destination. Something in the crowd had caught my eye. Or rather, someone. But he can't be here. Not now. Not when everything had been going so perfectly. I felt my hands go clammy, as I started to worry. But why would he be here? He couldn't do anything whilst we were in public, plus there's all the boys' bodyguards that are here for the signing.

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