Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Zoe's POV*

I squirmed slightly as the maternity nurse rubbed the cold gel onto my ever expanding stomach. Harry was sitting beside me, clutching onto my hand nervously. We were both worried. This is the first scan of my baby, of our baby, and we're anxious to see if it's okay. I'm just over 4 months pregnant, and your supposed to have your first ultrasound at about 12 weeks. I'm hope it's not too late.

"Okay then, everything's ready," The nurse informed me, and she picked up the probe from the trolley beside her.

"If you'll just look over at that screen there, the picture of your baby should appear in a couple of moments," she instructed, and I did so eagerly.

When the image appeared, a strangled sob left my mouth.

"It's beautiful," I exclaimed breathlessly.

"It sure is," the nurse agreed.

"Everything seems perfectly healthy, and your baby is growing fine for the number of months you are."

It truly was the most remarkable thing ever. There was a person, growing inside of me. It still felt surreal. I think people take it for granted nowadays, but this little human developing inside of me is a miracle. And a miracle which is going to well loved and cared for. You could see it's tiny little head, tiny little fingers, and tiny little toes.It's minature eyes, which in a couple of months will be open, and it will be able to see the world. It was so cute, and I couldn't wait until I was able to hold my baby in my arms.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" The nurse asked, and I looked unsurely over towards Harry.

"Would you really be able to find out?" Harry asked doubtfully. I know he's really keen on knowing if we're having a boy or a girl, and it would sure make planning and getting stuff ready a whole lot easier.

"Well it wouldn't be 100%, but they are normally pretty accurate," She told us.

"What do you think Zoe? Do you want it to be a surprise?" Harry conferred with me.

"No, I want to know," I assured him.

"Great, I'll just find out for you."

She moved the detector around my stomach for a while until she seemed to reach a conclusion.

"You're having a girl!" She declared.

*     *      *      *     *      *     *     *      *

Harry and I were now lying on our bed, just having a little relaxing time before he had to go and do something with the boys.

"So, what do you think we should call her?" I asked, smiling at the thought of my baby girl. It felt nice not having to call her 'it' or 'the baby' all of the time. This made it feel so much more real, like she was one step closer to being here, which I suppose she was. And giving her a name would take it even more forward.

"I'm not sure. I have loads of names in mind, but you should choose. After all it is your baby. Have you thought about it at all?" He replied, absentmindedly stroking my, now fairly noticeable, bump.

"No, not really. And get rid of that attidute now young man!" I demanded.

"From now on, this little girl will be refereed to as OUR baby, not just mine. After all, you will have to put up with her for good knows how many years, so you should get a choice in the name."

"How about Claire? Or Samantha?" He offered, but I made a face.

"No, I don't like them, their a bit too... normal." I replied.

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