Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

*Zayn's POV*

I wasn't long up when Harry stormed into the room, slamming the door shut on his way. He looked angry, and had his thinking face on, which didn't happen very often, believe me.

"Where's Zoe?" he asked, scanning round us who were sitting in the living room. Before I had a chance to answer, Liam piped in.

"She went out with one of her old friends who's in town today. She told us to tell you that's she's sorry and that she'll do something with you another day," He explained.

Harry nodded, as if confirming that he didn't mind and looked down at the ground.

"It's better if she's not here anyway, she won't be able to over hear us," he mumbled, and I think he was speaking more to himself than us.

I already knew that he was in a bad mood from the way that he was acting, and that just confirmed my suspicions. I know everyone thinks of me as 'the quiet one', but I prefer to observe rather than join in the conversations. And I don't mean that in a creepy way.

"What's wrong Harry? Has something happened?" I asked, concerned for my best friend.

"Is Niall here?" He questioned. "I would rather tell you altogether instead of having to repeat myself."

"Sure," Louis answered. "I'll just go fetch him, he was just having a shower," he said before standing up and leaving the room.

Whilst Louis was away, there was an awkward silence between the 3 of us left. There has never been awkward silences before, not even when we were put  together in a group. I guess we just clicked instantly, and there was no need to feel awkward around each other.

But this was different. Harry was still standing by the front door, twiddling his thumbs, probably trying to find the right words to explain to us what is going on. Liam was sitting on the sofa beside me, and knowing him he'll be going through all the different scenarios in his head, and trying to think of solutions for all of them. He thinks it's his job to fix everything, but he can't always do it all on his own. And me? I was just being... well, me.

After a couple of minutes, but what felt like an eternity, the other boys came back. The curiosity was killing me. What has happened to make Harry act so out of character? And will we be able to fix it?

"I've just had a trip to see management..." He began, and I listened intently as he took time to describe to us what had been going on over the past couple of months.

At first, I was angry at Robert. How dare he do that to innocent, naive little Zoe? And then when Harry told us what George said, I was majorly pissed off at the pair of them. And I wasn't alone, the rest of the boys shared my irritation.

"How dare he threaten you like that?" Liam raged. I think out of everyone he was the most upset. He might be picturing himself and Sophie in the same situation, and picturing that it was HIS baby that they were trying to get rid of.

"We won't let them kick you out of the band! If you leave, we all leave. We can't be One Direction with only 4 members, it wouldn't be the same without you!" Louis exclaimed.

"I agree, we need to get them to change their minds," I said, and the rest of them had the same thoughts.

"But how?" Niall said, and we all fell silent as we tried to wrack our brains for ideas.

"I can only think of Uncle Si, but it seems like he's out of the question," Louis spoke, interrupting the quiet atmosphere.

"I've drawn a blank," Harry admitted. "That's why I needed to speak to you guys, see if you could help. I know Zoe would be no use, she would just leave if she thought it was best for me. That's why she went back to Robert, remember?"

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